Love Heals - Original post:
Posted on September 14, 2017 by Sabrina Powell, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
I do believe that love is the most powerful feeling ever. And often underestimated. Love heals. I’m not just saying it. Love truly heals. And you...
Love Heals
By Sabrina Powell – August 3, 2017
My husband and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary today. It blows my mind that 10 years ago we were getting married, it feels like it was yesterday.
Time goes by incredibly fast. Life goes by incredibly fast.
We must cherish the wonderful moments that life brings us, and enjoy the love we feel and receive.
Today I’m beyond romantic, of course, but I do believe that love is the most powerful feeling ever. And often underestimated. Love heals. I’m not just saying it.
Love truly heals. And you will agree with me.
When you’re having a bad day and your loved one hugs you and says everything is going to be fine and you actually calm down and feel better – that’s love. That’s the feeling I’m talking about, the transformation feeling. You go from said, uncertain, insecure – to comforted, optimistic, confident.
Every time I’m feeling homesick (missing my family and friends in Brazil) my husband and I talk about the people we love and miss and just by cherishing those special moments we lived there, it naturally heals my heart and I feel better. It’s not that I won’t miss them anymore, I just feel comfortable and happy for having them in my life, even though we don’t see them as much as we used too.
Here’s another example:
Last year I broke my tailbone. When I was in bed rest I had some really depressed days. I knew it was a minor injury and that obviously there are so many worse things that people go through, but for me – at that specific time, when I was dedicating so much to Pilates, I was so active and committed to my practice – it was really frustrating not being able to get out of bed and make simple movements without feeling pain. So I had my moments when I would just cry and feel miserable, wondering If I would ever be able to do a teaser again (it’s a Pilates move that you definitely can’t perform when you have a broken tail bone). Until I coached myself to get out of that misery and do what was in my power.
I wrote a list of things that I had to do daily in order to recover. It included, but not all: drinking more water, eating healthy, being patient, praying, reading – I read Pilates Anatomy by Rael Isacowitz (I decided that since I couldn’t do Pilates with my body, I would do it with my brain). Back to my list – I also wrote, nice and bold: LOVE HEALS. Not just because it sounds pretty, but because I truly believed it.
Because I knew in my heart that I could heal myself with self-love, with the love of dear ones who surround me (like a couple of dear friends who brought us a full meal to eat dinner with us on the night I got hurt – this is love too) and my husband’s love for me. After all, he was the one who told me that I was going to be fine, that I would be able to do Pilates again, that it was Ok to feel said and I had all the reasons for it. But the most important factor at the time, he is the one who told me I should coach myself. Maybe if he hadn’t said it, I wouldn’t have put myself in that healing mode. And I needed it so badly.
Although a broken bone is a simple injury, since you can’t put a cast on it :) you just have to let it be, you have to be patient and baby it because badly healed tail bones will hurt and limit you for the rest of your life, and that didn’t sound fun.
Three weeks later, I was back to Pilates – not at my habitual rhythm, but eventually I got there. Nine and a half weeks later I was running again and, boy did it feel good! I felt emotional, energized; I felt love.
I still repeat to myself “love heals” – whenever I need healing.
I could go on and on, giving you examples of how love heals, like when someone you love is sick and you pray and believe. It is so beautiful and magical, that you’re actually sending your healing energy over to that loved one in need and you’re contributing with their recovery, with love.
Love is one heck of a life changing power and we should use it more often.
One way that really works for me to use more of it, is through meditation. When I meditate, I feel like my love energy is more exposed, more tangible. It is right there and ready to be shared. I smile more and share the love even with strangers as I greet them on the street, and hopefully I’ll make them smile too.
I hope I touched your heart as I shared my appreciation for love.
Or am I being too romantic for you? Well my love, life is tough enough, it’s up to us to make it easier or not.
Wishing you and abundance of healing love,
Sabrina PowellFounder of Movimento Wellness,
Health & Wellness Coach and Pilates Instructor