Understanding the Importance of Sacrifice
Posted on August 29, 2017 by Shakita Braswell, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
A brief reminder of the importance of being willing to give up something big to gain something BIGGER.
Sacrifice has always been a scary word but the power of what sacrifice can do for your life is unmatched. If you sit back and really think about all the major goals you would like to reach in your life, they ALL require some level of sacrifice. If you want to be healthy/ in shape, one must give up consuming foods and beverages, if you want to be successful, you will give up time and resources, if you want to be wealthy later in life, you often have to give up a certain lifestyle earlier in your life and this is just how the universe works. Once you grasp this concept, it can often change the way you look at life and the decisions you make because you realize the things you have to give up do not even compare to the end results. People too often want something for nothing or the quick fix and truth is we all know if something is too easy to get, we probably won’t value it, it won’t last, or we will lose it just as fast as we got it. The crazy thing is this concept or formula of hard work + sacrifices = success works for pretty much any area of your life including health, wealth, love, etc yet most of us only want to apply it to some areas. We will lose sleep and work 100 hrs a week for wealth but won’t eat healthy or lose 1 hr of sleep for the gym or we will go to the gym and eat healthy but won’t sacrifice personal time to grow a relationship with someone we love YET we want healthy, loving relationships. Doesn’t make much sense really when you put it in that perspective and it makes you realize you can’t have it all—ALL THE TIME. So I challenge you with writing down your goals along with one sacrifice your willing to make to get there. Pay attention to how much stronger you become and how much closer you get to the finish line; it will only motivate you to do more. Let’s do something different for a change and instead of focusing on what we want, lets focus on what we can give up today to get there!
#revivingdreams #encouragementcoach