I've Been Framed
Posted on August 28, 2017 by James Hartley, One of Thousands of Family Coaches on Noomii.
We don't live in a cookie cutter world.
Do you ever have those moments when you think "What if I had…" or “I wish I could have…” or "If only I had…?" Do you ever have those moments when you actually convince yourself that you are going to do “it;” whatever your “it” is. You work out the details and in your head you have it all figured out. You jump in your bed feeling great, and then you start to overthink things. Your thoughts change and you now imagine all the reasons your plan cannot work and, before you drift off to slumber land, it’s another great idea down the tubes.
We are our own self-defeaters. Henry Ford said “If we believe we can or cannot we are right.” This is so very true. We know throughout history that humankind has accomplished what was once thought of as impossible. Those who do the impossible, do so by believing in themselves when others do not; they swim against the current of defeatist thinking. They are like the little train in the children’s story “The Little Engine That Could.”“I think I can, I think I can…” until you do. Athletes breaking speed records. Medical science discoveries such as CRISPR gene editing. The Hubble telescope sending pictures from the far reaches of space. These are gigantic feats of accomplishment. Our goals and aspirations may or may not be as lofty as the examples I have just mentioned, however to us as individuals they are important and can be just as difficult to achieve.
We are challenged in so many ways and with so many things in life; it starts when we are very young. Where do I fit in my family? Where do I fit with my peers? Am I pretty or handsome? Do people like me? Do I like me? What am I going to be when I grow up? All these things, and much more, shape us according to where/how we see ourselves against the backdrop of how we determine who we are; how we measure our self-worth through society’s eyes. So there will be a lot of life fulfilment failures if we allow social cookie cutters to decide our value. We have one life to live. No one is promised tomorrow. So, get busy living.
Cube Gooding Jr’s "Men of Honor" is a movie based on a true story about a man named Carl Brashear who, against the greatest of odds, achieved what was considered at the time to be an unachievable dream. Good movie; I recommend it highly.
Our lives can be like a picture frame sitting empty because we cannot find anything we want to put in it for display. You have dreams, so go after them. Stuck? A life coach can help. Do not stop dreaming until you have been framed.
Remember there is a solution for every situation and the sun is always shining somewhere.