Dealing with Stress
Posted on January 29, 2011 by Melissa Davies, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
We have all dealt with stress before, it's a part of life. It's how we deal with it that makes the difference.
Stress ultimately comes from our resistance to what is happening in our life. The consequence of stress can be devastating if we don’t embrace our lives with acceptance. Of course, there are always external forces to which we cannot control. What we do have control of is our inner perception and our response to the events around us. Dealing with stress can be very challenging when we are faced with tragedy or a life changing event. Some situations call for every ounce of strength we have just to stay together. Stress is bound to happen, but what we can do is get better at dealing with stress when it comes. One can practice being the observer without being the participator or ‘the reactor’. When you observe, you are being conscious of the tension and then you can let it go before it builds within. By doing so, you extinguish the snowball effect of resistance (that later on you will be thankful you avoided!). I like to use the anology of the ‘eye in storm’ because it is truly the calm within the chaos. Find that place within you and you will unlock a precious tool in life.