The amazing benefits of Hemp!
Posted on January 29, 2011 by Melissa Davies, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
Hemp is becoming more and more recognized for its health benefits as a super food, as well as a huge contributer to biodegradable and reusable energy.
Many people don’t know this, but Hemp is a super food. In other words, hemp is one of the most nutritiously dense foods on our planet! It has been around for a long time, and is now recently being recognized for all of its amazing health and environmental benefits. Not only is it an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, but it is also a complete source of protein, easily digested by the human body. This super food contains the perfect amount of essential fatty acids, and believe it or not, contains more omega 3 fatty acid than fish!
Clinical studies have indicated that eating hemp can decrease inflammation as well as increase blood circulation, contributing to a healthy heart. In addition, hemp aids in digestion because all of the wholesome fiber and healthy fats produce effective working bowels. An effective digestive tract can facilitate weight loss as your body become more efficient at flushing out what it doesn’t need or want. The nutrients in hemp also help with balancing cholesterol levels and increasing our energy throughout the day. Amazingly enough, hemp can harmonize blood sugar levels and improve the functioning of the entire immune system! Along with all the amazing benefits of hemp, this plant also also has many environmental perks worth exploring.
Growing hemp gives us the opportunity to live in harmony with both the environment and the ecosystem. Hemp is the oldest and most versatile crop in the world; a crop that has more than 25,000 known uses! It is a ‘super resource’ because it can be turned into so many different things such as biodegradable plastic, cement, wood products, clothing, and biomass fuel. What’s amazing about this particular plant is that it only takes 100 days for it to complete full growth, whereas it takes years for trees to grow. Growing hemp would enable us to cut down the amount of deforestation we are imposing upon the world, while giving us a stronger resource at the same time.
In summary, hemp has infinite possibilities for contributing to a healthier body, and to a healthier world. If you do your research you will find even more amazing benefits of hemp.