You Already Have Everything You Truly Want
Posted on July 01, 2017 by Jonathan R Wachtel, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
It's true. Learn how to experience the positive reality of this and make your life more obviously everything you want it to be.
You might not recognize this, but it’s true. You already have everything you truly want. The only reason this wouldn’t be obvious to you is if you have conflicting wants. Because, in these cases, it isn’t always so easy to recognize that you actually do have what you truly, ultimately want in each moment. Let’s explore this further.
If you were to write down all of your thoughts, feelings, desires, doubts, fears, beliefs, and so forth, you would probably find that there are several apparent conflicts. You’ve got your desires—the things you want. But then there are your fears that say you’re not ready for them yet, and your doubts that say you’re not actually ready to experience them yet because you can’t even believe it’s possible. And there are your desires that directly contradict one another the way you’ve stated them to yourself, in combination with your beliefs or otherwise. For example:
“I want more money, but I believe making more money takes more work, and I don’t want to do more work.”
“I want a relationship, but I believe relationships take up too much time and energy and I want to focus on my job right now.”
“I want to lose weight but I believe that then I wouldn’t be able to eat what I want and I’d have to exercise a lot, and I want to eat what I want and I don’t want to exercise.”
“I want to find someone to marry, but I’m afraid of getting close to someone.”
“I want to find my dream job, but I’m afraid of being trapped in something.”
“I would love to have a lot of money, but I’m afraid money corrupts people and I shouldn’t have too much of it.”
“I want my perfect body, but I’m afraid of getting the wrong kind of attention from people.”
“I want my dream partner, but I’m not ready to meet this person until I get my career in order, and I’m not confident enough to do anything about this right now.”
“I want to make a lot of money, but I feel like I need to identify my ideal career path before I do this, and I really just have no idea what I want to do right now.”
With these kinds of conflicts within yourself about what you’re asking for, it’s no wonder that you wouldn’t recognize that you actually have what you truly, ultimately want—all things considered—in this moment.
So if you want to have everything you want in an obvious way, where you actually feel that you have everything you want, you want to resolve your internal conflicts here. Respond to your doubts and get aligned with actually believing that it is possible for you to have what you want. Respond to your fears and step into the recognition that receiving what you want could actually be a purely positive thing and it could go well for you and everyone around you. Respond to your beliefs and recognize that they are based on your past experiences and not your future ones. Recognize any feelings that you need certain things before other ones, and question these. And if they still hold, address the things you feel need to happen first so that you can actually get those next things you want.
Once you get aligned and in harmony with and on the same page as yourself about what you want, you will get everything you want in a way that you can easily experience this as being true.
The first step here is simply to acknowledge that you do actually have everything you truly want in this moment. You’ve said yourself that you’re not ready for this thing, or are afraid of getting that thing, or don’t believe you could have that other thing, or want to get this thing before this other thing but have been having trouble with believing you could get this first thing. So you’ve gotten everything you’ve asked for, all things considered.
In other words, you have already succeeded in getting everything you truly want and have asked for. So what’s to stop you from getting everything you truly want in every moment after this, and having this be in more and more obvious, and obviously positive, ways?
If you would like help addressing what’s been holding you back from getting everything you want in a way that you actually feel that you have everything you want, contact me now and we’ll make it so that you can experience the reality that you have everything you truly want, and so that this is a fantastically positive thing.