Secrets to Unlock Your Abundance
Posted on June 27, 2017 by Jackie Ruka, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
3 Secrets to Unlock your abundance in purpose, freedom, success, finances and happiness. Learn the tricks to unblock limitations and the action steps.
The world is very abundant and the more you realize this the more you will attract what is available to you. The trick starts with your mindset.
Why is that?
Well, how do you get results? You do the work.
You can’t do the work without having the knowledge.
And even with the knowledge it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the skill set.
Yet even with the skill set the right mindset is all that matters.
Mindset + Skillset + Knowledge + Work = Results.
No more. No less.
So before I share the secrets to unlock your abundance, you first must have an idea of what abundance means to you. You may define it as money, love, health, or personal fulfillment. The fact is all of those define abundance. To unlock your personal abundance focus upon the ONE that stands out to you the most.
Secret Number One: Your subconscious mind is what holds the key to your abundance. This is where your emotions live in the now. Your emotions may be hindered or blocked by the seven year old kid in you and are living with an old recording from years past. Perhaps you have a belief system where you have to prove yourself in order to make a good income. Or you have blocked love from your life unconsciously, based on a past hurt. The first mindshift to uncover your blocks is to learn to feel limitless. This is how you retrain the subconscious to reach success.
Secret Number Two: Get out of routine living. Routine living limits you holistically. Making small changes in your daily routine expands your mind and your body to feel new sensations and experience life beyond your four corners. If abundance is not in your four corners then it is time for change; start with a different walk or drive to work. Perhaps take a new yoga class and refrain from technology until after you have had breakfast versus as soon as you wake up. Again those actions encourage feeling limitless and forms new positive habits.
Secret Number Three: To retrain the subconscious mind it all ends and begins with images. Our subconscious mind is like a camera, it takes on visuals that encourage feelings that become ingrained into a want or need. Advertisers have mastered the art of images and know how to push the subconscious buttons. You too can master this toward creating the abundance you desire through images. Let’s say you want more prosperity as your goal. Gather images that have meaning to you and instill the feeling of prosperity. Place those images on your nightstand, your desk, your fridge, and your walls. Look at them often and especially at night before you go to bed. At night is when the subconscious goes to work for you and creates new neural pathways based on the images and feelings you have consumed.
Lastly, action is the key to success where abundance is not something we acquire it is something we tune into. – Wayne Dyer
Jackie Ruka is a best selling Author, creator of the Mindset Method to Massive Success and Motivational Speaker to unlock the blocks to happiness and empower you to express your greatness. To find out more visit her website to follow her on Facebook @jackierukahappinessmindset