Are you looking for excuses? (Original post:
Posted on June 08, 2017 by Sabrina Powell, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
Is the fact that it’s raining outside a free pass for you to not have to workout today?...
Is the fact that it’s raining outside a free pass for you to not have to workout today? I understand it’s not comfortable or safe running when it’s raining cats and dogs, but I’m (not) sorry to tell you that you can stay inside, nice and comfy and do that HIIT workout video that has been sitting in your inbox for a while… or go to your condominium’s gym for a change… or get in your car and go enjoy that gym membership that you’ve invested on and are just wasting it… there is no excuse strong enough for you to convince me that you can’t exercise. Movement is life, movement moves us! And unless you’re ill, or in pain, or in some sort of recovery, it’s the best source of energy you can find. Once you move, you want to move more – simple like that!
I proudly know people that even when it’s snowing out (not the case here in Florida!) still grab their snow jacket and walk their dog every morning, and nearly freeze their feet walking to the gym, just to stay healthy – no excuses!
So even when you’re lacking motivation to exercise, PLEASE use that tiny little bit of energy that you have, put on that cute outfit of yours, put your hair up and work it, babe! I don’t care if it’s too cold, too hot, or too wet out!
I promise that once you start, you’re going to enjoy it, and feel energized!
Nothing like breaking a sweat to start the day right. When you sweat, besides the calories you burn you also let go of whatever bad energy, stress and negative thoughts that could be chasing you. Then you take a nice and reinvigorating shower and you’re ready to go! You’re ready to either face the day or to have a nice relaxing night, if that’s the case. You’re also ready to make better choices when it comes to food. When you exercise, you automatically feel like you’ve accomplished something great towards your health, so you don’t want to ruin it all with a nasty serve of fast/fried/frozen food. You unconsciously crave healthy foods that will nourish that beautiful body of yours.
Next time you’re lazy or looking for excuses, remember of the wonderful consequences of not giving up on your exercise – you will feel better and make better choices. Therefore, take advantage of that! Dive into that exercise routine, just so you can feel better, it’s so worth it!
It’s like when you’re so tired that you consider to skip shower… you just take a shower because obviously you’re going to feel better and renovated, don’t you? Same thing with exercising. You know it’s good for you, you know the consequences are obviously positive, so take the first step and the rest will happen automatically.
You deserve to feel that great! You just know you do!
Need a little push? Some inspirational words, someone that practically grabs you by the hand and takes you to the gym? Let me help you! Let’s get your healthy routine going. Dare me to find time on your busy week to fit time to work out and stick to it. That’s my job, and I love it!
And don’t forget that summer is around the corner! If feeling great is not enough motivation for you, how about looking great?
Speaking of summer, have you heard of my new Coaching Program? “My Healthiest Summer” is available now and will definitely help you stay motivated throughout the BBQ & ice cream season, to avoid gaining weight AND make healthier choices, so you can actually lose weight. Does it sound like a good fit? Click here or shoot me an e-mail for some info. It lasts for the entire length of summer – I wouldn’t let you go through it alone.
Hope you enjoy a nice & sweaty workout today!
Wishing you an abundance of health & wellness,
Sabrina Powell
Founder of Movimento Wellness,
Health & Wellness Coach and Pilates Instructor