The Game Changers Of Life
Posted on June 08, 2017 by Kat Dinning, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Practicing gratitude starts with this...
I would consider myself a practitioner of gratitude and a glass half full kind of girl, but last week I was rocked with a minor, but very painful back injury. All of a sudden I’m couch bound, in debilitating pain and unable to do anything that doesn’t involve sitting…still. As someone who works full time, has her own life coaching business, is a runner and a fur mom to a bouncy 4 year old lab/husky this whole sitting still thing while managing pain is not my jam. It sucks, but in this moment of self pity I start to feel that gratitude for being able to do the million things I get to enjoy that makes me who I am because of my health. Healthy mind and healthy body are the game changers of life, this we all know and taking things for granted is a part of the human experience. I will however offer this, if gratitude is to be practiced, start with health. Celebrate first that you are alive and whether you are healthy or not, whatever that means for you, be grateful for the healthy parts of you, your ability to walk, breath, eat, talk, see, etc. We could all use a good lean into the joy of being alive sometimes.