Messy is Beautiful
Posted on May 31, 2017 by Lynne McLean Brown, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Choose to love everything about yourself. You can decide to show yourself love and compassion.
I show up in the world imperfectly. Messy is my middle name. I don’t really know what I am doing most of the time. I make it up as I go along and that means I make mistakes. These are the parts of me that used to make me stressed, but at the moment I actually love those parts of myself. I care less and less about hiding my ditzy side.
I’m a bit of a hurricane
I’m not a professional writer, I failed my higher grade English. If my spelling and grammar checker misses an error, I probably won’t notice it either. If I put a blog post out with a typo, I’m ok with that.
My blog posts all have an update button and I am not afraid to use it. I write with honesty, love and openness. I write about what feels good, in a way that feels good. My style of writing will change as I practice and develop my skills but I am in no rush to become more polished just yet.
I’m a messy haired, hole in my sock, loose my keys in my handbag kind of woman. Sometimes I’m late and I forget stuff. To use a great Scottish word, I am “hallyracket” and a bit of a hurricane. But I’m good with that, I finally love those parts of myself.
I used to hide those characteristics and see them as flaws. I always felt like I needed to pull myself together. The thought that I didn’t have my ducks in a row, was one that would cause me worry and shame. I felt like I really should be a better adult. The truth is I’m just fine as an adult, an adult who does things her own way and isn’t afraid to makes mistakes anymore.
The feeling of not having to be perfect is addictive. It feels freeing and it makes my life so much simpler and easier. I choose to let myself off the hook, to love every part of myself. It is an act of self-compassion and an act of self-acceptance. We are all ok as we are, we are all beautiful even in our worst moments.
It has taken great practice and there are still days when I will get caught up in what I think I should be doing. Gratefully, there is beauty in the fact that I can accept the error. I will be hard on myself sometimes and I will remind myself that is not how I want to be. A life of failing to measure up to an impossible standard is not what I choose. I choose compassion, I choose acceptance and I choose kindness.
Love your messiness
Choose to love everything about yourself. You can decide to show yourself love and compassion. c
Give yourself permission to make it up as you go along. You get to choose how you treat yourself and how you feel about who you are. What do you choose?