Slaying Your Fears
Posted on May 23, 2017 by Ashley Smith, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Fear is the border we put around our comfort zone. We are used to toxic relationships, so we put a border around that. We fear loneliness, so we stay
The Best things in life are on the other side of your fears" -Will Smith
Nobody likes to admit it, but we all have fears. I remember going skydiving with my friends and googling “How many people die from skydiving” Now I have a special love for extreme things, so I was naturally excited, but the fear still crept into my head. However, I wasn’t the only one who had fears, out of about eight people only 4 of us jumped. I was the only women, which fueled my need to boss up and jump. I don’t like being told that that as a woman I can’t do, or that women are supposed to be scared, so I pushed through my fears, and I jumped. Will was right it was blissful the best thing I had ever experienced. Fear is the border we put around our comfort zone. We are used to toxic relationships, so we put a border around that. We fear loneliness, so we stay in a situation that is draining us emotionally, therefore never achieving that bliss in our lives. Bliss is not just the experience of jumping out planes. It’s the experience of being with a man who treats you with respect, so you sleep fine at night, it’s about going for your dream job or starting your business. It’s about letting toxic people and things go. I wish I could tell you that there is an easy way around fear, but there isn’t, you have to go through it. The good thing is there is no need to worry because you’re a Queen who is capable of slaying Goliath’s in her life. Living a Boss Life is not living a fear free life it’s about slaying that fear, it’s about having the confidence to say I deserve the best, I’m worthy of happiness. Tips to build confidence and overcome fear: 1. Say positive things about yourself. What do you think about yourself? I often hear women say things like “Omg, I’m so stupid” when they make a mistake., “I’m not that bright.”, or “I’m not sh*t.”How does this affirm you how does this help you slay your fears? Why would people want to be around or trust you? Remind yourself that you are a Queen and that you are fearfully and wonderfully made to perfection. Flaws and All.
2. Just do it like Nike. What are you afraid of doing? Ok now, just do it! Start off small like doing karaoke, the great thing about karaoke is that it’s ok to totally suck nobody expects you sound good it’s all for fun. It’s not an audition to be the next Beyonce; it’s about having fun and being carefree. Once you conquer a small fear move on to something bigger, just keep trying new things. The more you do it, the more confident you will feel. 3.) Let Go.Most of us hold on to things past the expiration date. I know I’m super guilty of doing it. Holding on to things that we are afraid of losing long after it’s no good for us. Think about it, if you have milk that expires, will you keep pouring it on your cereal just because at the time you don’t have the money for more milk? No, you are going to WAIT until you can get better quality milk. So why would you keep using expired emotional milk? Letting go of the old makes room for the new.
These are just a few ways to slay your fears. For one on one help in learning how to slay your fears email me or book a one on one appointment.