They say the first step is the hardest
Posted on April 14, 2017 by Jessica Jansen, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Change is not comfortable, it is scary, it is new, it is a leap of faith that everything is going to be alright.
Ever been in that situation that you say to yourself maybe I should just move on, let it go, or start over? I am not talking about relationships on this one, that is a little more complex and would take more than a blog to figure out. I am talking about moving forward in your life to your purpose.
I am realizing through my own transition from being who I once was to who I want to be is exhausting. I have the weight of needing to be responsible in my decisions and on the other side a little girl inside that wants to run and explore this new journey ahead in full force. I am understanding that I can make moves of action towards my dream everyday while expressing gratitude where I am. As I do this more and more action gets to be taken towards the dream I am creating for myself.
I keep asking myself how will I know when to take that final leap of faith and surrender to the idea that everything will work out for my highest good. The more I think about it I want to feel comfortable with the change first before I make it. To be honest, that just may never happen. Change is not comfortable, it is scary, it is new, it is a leap of faith that everything is going to be alright.
They say the first step is the hardest. I agree that moving in a new direction is fearful and scary but I think overall it is much easier than actually committing to taking that last step from where you were. It feels like dropping off a cliff and praying that something catches you. It may be scary but you are worth it. You and the world deserve you doing what we love. READY, SET, JUMP!!!