5 Rules to 10X Your Results
Posted on February 06, 2017 by Hunter Post, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
These 5 Rules are fundamental to creating exponential results in your work and life.
Having worked with over a hundred entrepreneurs, leaders, and small businesses, here are some of the most powerful ways to scale your results:
(1) YOU are your businesses most valuable asset.
Take better care of yourself. Because burnout happens gradually, we don’t realize that we’re becoming gradually less effective as our energy and clarity wain over time.
Schedule quarterly strategic retreats for for rejuvenation and refocusing on strategy. Schedule at least one day each week to rejuvenate, where no work is allowed.
(2) Delegate more!
To multiply income, delegate. Realize that each delegation means more value gained. This is fundamental to basic economics and has thousands of years of real-world validation.
As you become more successful, you must delegate more. As you choose to become more successful, you must delegate more.
(3) Focus on high-quality, influential clients who will refer you.
These clients are doing your marketing for you and they are in a position to do it far more credibly and effectively than you. Consider companies, clubs and associations, and people with platform for connections.
(4) Simplify.
We have enough complexity in our lives. Each seemingly insignificant increase in complexity wastes a bit of our mental focus and energy, which is a finite resource. Without realizing it, we end up foggy or depleted. Simplify every thing and your mind will be sharper and for longer durations. Don’t waste your most important asset.
(5) Focus on those actions that can create a 10X result.
Ask yourself if this can create a 10X result. If it can’t, don’t do it. Or at least do the action that can create a 10X result first.