The Value Of Employee Assistance Programs
Posted on January 17, 2017 by Vance Larson, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Learn the benefits of Employee Assistance Programs {EAP's}
We’ve all heard the term EAP, but how many truly know the value? Over the course of 3 decades in mental health, I have found the companies who invest in their employees enjoy a higher rate of productivity and overall employee satisfaction. This investment unifies the company and strengthens its mission.
The onsite programs is designed to empower both employers as well as employees. Organizations that routinely make available EAP resources enjoy a host of benefits. These benefits include-
Prevention, identification and resolution of both personal and company issues.
Increased work productivity.
Decreased workplace injuries.
Decreased absenteeism.
Reduced medical cost.
Employee retention.
So what does the above translate into in dollars? The cost of workplace stress alone here in the US is 300 billion a year. The American Psychological Association shows that 75% of us feel that work is a major source of stress. As a result, organizations are paying higher {medical} insurance fees. And while EAP’s are now being integrated into the companies budget, those without will continue to be subjected to “at risk” situations in the workplace. Let me give an example how using a onsite EAP saves time, money and productivity.
Suppose you have an employee who is having a hard time managing their stress. The result ends in the employee engaging in increased alcohol consumption. With increased drinking comes a series of problems ranging from tardiness, missed days and health related issues. By the time management or Human Resources sits employee down, recreational drinking may have progressed into full blown alcoholism. To course correct, the employee goes to a 30 day inpatient treatment program.
Now lets look at the breakdown of cost. Not including the initial time and productivity lost, now the company has incurred the expense of the employee being out of work for 30 days. There will be an added expense of overtime or, bringing on a temp to cover this employees duties while in treatment. Total cost to the company on average will be 5-15k for this one employee.
Now lets use that example with a client who has access to a onsite EAP. Employee has hard time dealing with on the job stress. Employee discusses his concerns and drinking with EAP counselor. Employee now has a chance to decompress and learn coping mechanism. In addition, employee is given options such as out patient or AA to deal with their drinking before it progresses. By giving the employee an opportunity to be proactive rather than reactive, they {in many cases} are able to continue to work and feel valued as an employee.
Many organizations will shy away from EAP’s due to cost and time. Using the above model, I hope have demonstrated that it is more cost effective to the company by employing the services from a EAP, than to not. In my experience offering employees just 20-30 minutes a week to meet with a EAP consultant pays huge dividends.
My pitch has always been one of health. By bringing on a EAP consultant, you are effectively investing in the health of the company. The financial, emotional, physical and business health.
So what is the true value of an EAP? Are your employees happy and hitting their goals?