You are an Instrument...of LIFE!
Posted on January 04, 2017 by KC Hildreth, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Life is moving through you in every moment, and the 'song' you play is how you live your life. Knowing this, how do you want sound?
It has always amazed me how musically-inclined people can pick up an instrument and just…play. These talented folks take a physical object and then transmit air or energy through that object to produce sounds that are pleasing and harmonic. I, being untalented in this respect, sit in awe of their ability.
And then I realize that I do know how to play an instrument! My BODY is an instrument through which life plays its song. As I speak, write, sing, dance, play or work I am using my physical being like a musician uses her instrument. I transmit my inspiration (from the latin inspirare: to inspire, inflame, blow-into) through my body and into the world. I am an instrument of life!
In every moment you are playing YOUR instrument in the world. You are a living flute through which the breath of life plays in every moment. Knowing this, ask yourself:
- Do I take care of my instrument?
- What songs do I play in the world?
- Is my ‘music’ uplifting and positive?
- Am I resonant or dissonant?
Collectively, our actions in the world we form an ‘orchestra of life’. Seek in every moment to create music that resonates, uplifts and breathes joy into all who surround you. The world needs your instrument…so play!