Get Out Of Your Own Way!
Posted on November 30, 2016 by Dr Carey Yazeed, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
As a life strategist one thing I’ve learned is that most women who are stuck in life are really getting in their own way.
As a life strategist one thing I’ve learned is that most women who are stuck in life, meaning they feel as if the have reached a glass ceiling and don’t know what to do next, are stuck because they won’t get out of their own way.
Let me explain… As little girls we were told by our parents that we will grow up, go to college and get a good job and be happy. There wasn’t any wiggle room to dream and there was no talk about doing what you love. Over the years, society continued to condition us with this same notion; go to work, make money and pay your bills, and for a while, that was okay, especially when we were young and ambitious, but then we grew older and wiser and we wanted our work and life to mean something, to be fulfilling, and suddenly going to work wasn’t just about the money anymore.
We have grown tired of the hustle and bustle of going to a 9 to 5, getting downsized and laid off and having to start the “job” cycle all over again. We look at our pay checks and want to scream (and maybe you actually do scream), because after the bills are paid, we barely have anything left to enjoy life…and we grow bitter. We reach a point where we want more and we know we deserve more, but something is holding us back, and that something is usually us.
Why do we stand in our own way? Fear that we are too old or incapable of changing our lives this late in the game, beliefs like the ones I mentioned earlier – that we work to pay bills, lack of inspiration, lack of goals and lack of faith in one’s self. And most importantly, we lack an action plan.
Author and business coach, Jovita Jenkins gives a few pointers for how one can get out of her own way:
Change beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you Discover your passion and purpose Set goals and taking action toward reaching them Overcome the fear that is holding you back Give yourself permission to dream, and Implement steps to turn your dreams into realityIn essence, what is require for a woman to get out of her own way is to re-train her brain, learn how to eliminate the words “I Can’t” and replace them with “Hell Yes, I Can and I Will!” She must realize that it won’t happen overnight. Remember, you weren’t conditioned to go to work and pay bills in one day so undoing that thinking will take some time, but it can be done. And lastly, remember, it is never to late to change, never to late to achieve your dreams, and it’s never to late to get out of your own way!