Do You Have A Ikigai?
Posted on November 08, 2016 by Geoff Reese, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Do you know your purpose in life? Every day I wake up to a purpose of inspiring others in life so that their life will count for something great.
No, it’s not a trick question. Actually everyone has one. It’s just that many people do not know what theirs is. An Ikigai is a sense of purpose. According to research, having a sense of purpose can help with living a longer life.
Okay, so at this writing, I’m 55. I was at the grocery story earlier today and overheard a girl, who I’m guessing may have been in her 30’s say, “I’m old.” I did a double take on who was actually saying that. I almost laughed out loud. I don’t actually feel old but I know that to my 17 y.o. daughter, I’m old. I’m sure to that 30 something girl I was old.
Old is as old does
Old. What is it? My dad is 90. He complains about the aches and pains but he’s told me he doesn’t see himself as “old”. Really? You look old to me. Steve is my neighbor. He lives behind us about an acre away. Through our trees I can see him mowing his lawn today. One day last year he was out trying to trim some overgrown brush along his fence row. It was the middle of summer in the Texas heat. If you know anything about Texas, summer brings some killer heat. I saw him struggling to get things cut down and into the bed of his truck. Being neighborly I walked back to his fence to see if I could help him. He looked exhausted and welcomed my help.
How old would you guess Steve is? I don’t know for sure but I think he’s in his 70’s. Honestly, I helped Steve because I think he’s old. If Steve would have been 55 like me, I honestly don’t think I would have helped. Okay, throw darts, I’m just being honest. He’s not really old but he’s older than me.
Anyway, my real point is that I’d like to live to being old. What does old really mean. If when we’re old and we still don’t see ourselves as old, that must mean that we must think there’s still something for us to do here on earth.
My Ikagai
I want to be old, not feel old and still feel like I have a purpose to live. I want to grow old with my wife. I want to see my kids grow old and I want to enjoy the experience of grandkids. Our oldest daughter just told us she’s pregnant. That cannot be. She’s to young and has only been married 3 yrs. and I’m not that old. Beyond my desire to be with my family and see them grow, here’s my purpose, my Ikagai.
To inspire others to know their purpose in life so that their life will count for something great.
Your Ikagai
So how do you find yours. I wish there was an easy process. It’s hard work and often confusing to find it. This will not point you to yours but the following may get you started.
Admit you don’t know. One thing I’m confident on knowing is that people need to be honest and acknowledge that they need help. When people came in to see me in my private practice, the one thing that started to change things was when they admitted they were missing something.
Ask for help. You may or may not read the bible but I’m sure you’ve heard of Solomon. One of the wisest men if not the wisest. He said, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” Seek out advisors to help you. There are people, friends that may be able to help. There are coaches such as myself that can help you.
Take action. These three things are not new to you I know. Even Solomon, again, said it, “There is nothing new under the sun.” That goes for advice. All this you’ve heard before. But I’m still amazed over the years of dealing with people how much I hear their issues but I still see people not doing anything about it. The one thing between now and change is action.
I found my Ikagai several years ago and it fills me every day. Every day I wake up to a purpose of inspiring others in life so that their life will count for something great.
Here’s an article with the research that states, “A sense of purpose can help you live a longer life.” I hope you live a longer life with purpose. For me it’s a purpose of inspiring others in life so that their life will count for something great. I also want people to know the saving love of Jesus Christ.
If you don’t know your purpose in life, I would love to walk with you through that understanding. Take advantage of my no cost Discovery Session to see if we’re a fit to work together. You can also have the opportunity to discover your Why by going through my Discover your Why course.
I hope you know your Why. That purpose, cause or belief that inspires you to do what you do.