This is for you
Posted on October 29, 2016 by Alonzo 'ActionMF' Jackson, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
If you happen to notice this, read it :)
Ayyyyye there! First of all thank you for following your intuition and coming here to read this!
I don’t know what brought you to this site, but I’m proud of you for being here! I just love to see people working to better themselves and become the greatest them they can be, or in your case the greatest YOU that YOU can be! See, folks like you are different: instead of thinking of all these great things that you can bring to fruition and accomplish, you’ve taken ACTION to make these things happen! You’re here on this site looking for someone who has a few of the pieces to trillion piece jigsaw puzzle we call life!
Yup, it’s all a big ass puzzle, and we all have each other’s pieces. That’s the great part about coaching. I set out to help people reach new heights in their lives by showing them new perspectives and insights to give them breakthroughs, and as I do I realize new things about myself, things like bad thought patterns I have or strengths I may not have realized. As coaches, we get pieces of our puzzles from you fine folks who have the courage to go out and seek people who you feel can help you in your journey.
Soooo I just wanted to thank you. I know you’re the kind of person who seeks growth, and I believe you are the type who’s growth will positively impact hundreds, thousands, and eventually millions of people. Thank you for coming here to learn what you need to learn, but mostly for taking what you learn and IMPLEMENTING IT. Knowledge ain’t shit if there’s no action behind it. Thank you for being here. Your growth to this point, no matter how rough it has been, has been building you up for you to experience the GREATNESS that deep down inside you KNOW you’re capable of. And we appreciate you for allowing us to help you on your journey to your unique version of greatness.
Thanks for reading! Have a great one, and remember to smile!
ActionMF Jackson