Posted on September 20, 2016 by Marc Shackman, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Can we indeed switch our happiness on and off like a tap or just keep it running if we want, or are we just helpless victims of circumstances?
Heart Energy Medicine is a conscious community of projects which all encourage people to step back, break the ‘mold’, and live life to our ‘full’ potential. Heart Energy Medicine’s focus is to provide opportunities and services for people to experience and guide themselves, to finding lasting happiness in the world wherever they may find themselves and in everything they do.
We hear the phrases ‘Don’t worry be happy,’ Cheer up mate’ and ‘just be happy’ all the time, but what does this point towards and suggest? Can we indeed switch our happiness on and off like a tap or just keep it running if we want, or are we just helpless victims of circumstances that will inevitably make us unhappy eventually anyway?
Before we can answer this question we need to look more at what the definition of happiness actually is, what actually brings us happiness and why, and what takes away the feeling of being happy.
Firstly, happiness is highly personal to each individual. So if it is so personal how do we choose to be happy? And why don’t we choose to be more often? Simple. By choosing to be happy and changing those hidden existing beliefs in our minds, we have already chosen unconsciously to believe to be true i.e. The memory conditioning if you like, from our childhoods, life experiences, and past living & working environments and conditions, that feed our own unhappiness.
Heart Energy Medicine aims to guide individuals and communities to finding unity in the world inside and outside with themselves and the world around them. For happiness is a state of mind, it is not what you do but it is how well you are doing it that matters – which generally is fully proportional to how happy you feel at that particular moment in time.
Secondly an agreement of happiness needs to be made. Happiness put simply, is when one is content that all is exactly the way it should be and that we would not change anything. And this is a choice in any and EVERY given moment of your life.
One must also acknowledge and believe fully that he/she also deserves to be happy. For most of us underneath do not.
Otherwise how can one be happy? Every single person on this planet deserves to be happy. Happiness is the primordial natural instruction of the universe. It is only our forgetful nature and contagious type of human amnesia, and the resisting set of beliefs that we have unconsciously agreed to, that is the result and cause of the illusory symptoms of unhappiness to bubble to the surface; for we were all born to be happy!
You can see that evidence in children who naturally are happy in the way they ARE, and can find happiness in the smallest of things, anything and everything. “All is always as it should be,” should be every person on this planet’s primary motto and intention in life. TO BE HAPPY AND CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY ALL OF THE TIME.
That is how we will find lasting happiness in life, by aiming in that direction and doing things that only make us happy. By protecting this happiness with our lives, and not giving it away all of time and letting nobody else or anything else take it from us. We must learn how to be happy, that happiness is a choice. We do this simply by realizing eventually for ourselves that making a choice is happiness.
Whatever we do we should learn to do it because it makes us happy, and that’s all. And if it doesn’t make us happy, then simply don’t do it. But why is it not making us happy, is a better question to ask? Is it actually the external element that is the problem, or is it in fact us? We all notice how problems seem to follow us wherever we go and whatever relationship we are in, with the same cycles and patterns repeating themselves over and over again, that is, until we resolve the real roots to the issue first, which is always rooted in our OWN mind and in our own psyche.
Never put your happiness in dependence of anything external happening or not happening. For as soon as we give our happiness away to any other person or thing or event or circumstance, happening or not happening in our lives, we immediately leave ourselves wide open and vulnerable to misery, sadness, unhappiness, depression, pain and suffering.
Happiness has to be a personal choice, an internal process. Nothing external by itself can give you lasting happiness. Including another person. By becoming dependent on someone or something else that we think is making us happy we leave a huge leak in our own piping system that will eventually bring our world and our own happiness crashing down to the ground once it is not there anymore. Like needing Love from another person, rather than leaning to find it in one’s self first is a Very Big One!
Heart Energy Medicine seeks to promote the wisdom that we are each all solely responsible for our own happiness and its maintenance.
“We are each of us solely responsible for our own happiness and its maintenance.”
If we are not happy then that’s because we have chosen not to be, because we have let something external or an illusory belief get in the way of us being happy. We are our OWN belief systems, if we believe things that make us unhappy then that’s our choice, but then why not believe in things that only make us happy? Surely that’s a better result ultimately for everyone and everything on this strange, weird and whacky planet we live on? ☺
So lastly the key to happiness, is simply to find those beliefs that make us unhappy and change them to beliefs that make us happy. This is the work each of us should actively NOW be choosing to dedicate the rest of our lives to, so we are eventually able to return these same magical and miraculous gifts of internal peace, true strength and power to others; to help us, guide other people to guide themselves, towards this same state of permanent happiness – for no one else can do this but ourselves!
Each of us has to do the work, and make the conscious choice to be happy. There is no one who can do this for us no matter what they say or call themselves. Only You can do it! There is no easy path or shortcut. By coming together into community rather than separation and isolation. Making happiness our number one intention in life should be our priority. More so than being famous or successful or popular or well respected.
The world doesn’t need more successful people it needs more happy people, less lonely people, healers, teachers, guides, creative artists. People willing to dedicate themselves, through inspirational talks and creating projects, sharing and connecting with the old and the young through their received and given wisdom, experiences and inspirational stories, and celebrating life with festivals, dance, music, art, expeditions, retreats and conscious communities are just some examples: all geared towards spreading this simple truth of choosing happiness and choosing to being happy.
Choose to be happy in every moment whatever happens, without expectations, without giving your happiness away to unpredictable external events and circumstances. With practice of this life art we will all be able to maintain a state of happiness much more easily and readily, to master our lives and most importantly master ourselves. If you ever find yourself unhappy, try locating the underlying belief that is rooted at the source of this unhappiness, and simply work to change it. Rewire yourself to be happy rather than living the opposite!
Find out this simple recipe of happiness in your life right now for yourself – by simply encouraging yourself and other people to make it their primary focus and intention in Life. To Be Happy.
So YES happiness is a choice, and the future of modern man and woman, humanity even, is to realise that happiness is our natural and inherent gift. Once we remove the resistance we have built against it happiness and love will naturally flow. It is only the rocks and blockages that we have built up in our OWN minds and hearts, to being happy, that stands in our way. Unconsciously, choosing to believe false information and things that we have collected and absorbed from others and other misleading sources throughout our lives.
So unconsciously if you like we have all built up an iron wall against allowing ourselves to be happy; to our own happiness. It is our life work to re-discover those beliefs we have for most part unconsciously chosen to believe that create resistance and turbulence to our own happiness in our lives. Then simply choosing to release, convert and swap these beliefs with different ones that make us happy and that serve our happiness in any given moment we may find ourselves in.
If you would like to find out more about this art and a method and modern day system in how to explore this path further, please contact us at or visit, for a selection of creative tools, heart energy medicine sessions, retreats, workshops, projects, pilgrimages, sacred mythic journeys to world sacred sites and power spots, to explore and discover this truth of happiness for yourself. It is all in your hands, no one else’s!
You are in control and responsible of your own happiness by just making happiness your priority and nobody or nothing else. Everyday when we wake up this should be the first thing that pops into our heads, that we feel in our hearts, to be happy today, to feel happy whatever happens, and do things that make us happy with every choice we make.
That doesn’t mean we always have to walk about with a smile on our face all day, or that we don’t get angry or upset sometimes. All it means is we are doing these things and experiencing these emotions consciously, with awareness, to protect our own happiness, and not letting other people (including our loved ones and families) or even events outside of ourselves stand in our way: because we are not dependent upon the result of anything happening anymore with any particular outcome, and we are taking control and responsibility for our own happiness. We do not let ourselves drown in these emotions, but we do let ourselves experience and use them, because we know how to find our happiness again through the emotions that we choose to release naturally with control in a positive way, with intention, without holding ourselves back or unconsciously choosing to instead push things down inside.
Heart Energy Medicine’s projects show that happiness is an underlying foundation to our lives that is always accessible once we learn how to access it. We can all do this once we have uncovered and swept away enough debris, dust, cobwebs and dirt that cloud our ability to access it. Hence our limiting belief systems must be exposed first of all, which is not always an easy process. But then that’s life, Shamanism is an example of a very effective conduit for this type of work for those it stimulates and interests, by just reading and resonating with these words for instance is planting new hummingbird seeds in your heart. ☺
For it is not our position in life that really matters it is only our direction that is important – The direction towards happiness and being happy. ALL OF THE TIME. Not just fleeting glimpses, with the expectation that they will always fade eventually and disappear. YES IT IS POSSIBLE, because it’s a conscious choice to learn to control your emotions and thoughts as well as your actions. That is the new ‘homoluminous’ human world we live in today, and the new approach to finding lasting happiness in the world. The tools are now available to us everywhere, all we have to do is be open and active enough to look and do the work!
… And if you don’t feel it is possible to be Happy all of the time, you are not meant to be, or you do not deserve to be, then there is already a clear example of a very powerful limiting belief you have somewhere along the road chosen to believe that is not serving your own happiness at all, and would be a good one to start with, to change and transform.
We offer many opportunities and experiences, with the essential guidance, support, and services necessary for anyone to be able to find this truth of happiness out for themselves; and the ability to go on and practice it afterwards, with the rest of their lives being their infinite playground and movie theatre. Please visit for more details and opportunities available to you.
To find true happiness, is the key to life, so if that is your intention, then get to work, for NOW is the best and only time to start, for that is the core way it can only essentially happen anyway. Its up to you and no one else!
“BE Happy because you don’t just want to be, but because you choose to be. REMEMBER LIFE IS GOOD ALWAYS … NO EXCEPTIONS.” ☺
- Written by Marc Shackman (Life, Motivational, Success, Spirituality, Relationship, Family and Happiness Coach), 12th December 2012. Updated: 23rd March 2013. Updated: 20th September 2016.