Using Motivators Part 2 – Positive Self-Talk
Posted on August 25, 2016 by Judy Lair, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Positive Self-Talk is a powerful motivator. Using positive internal validation for handling external situations is empowering.
Finding the right motivator can be the missing key to getting started and finishing strong. In Finding Motivation—Part 1, I talked about external rewards. Today we’re talking about Positive Self-Talk.
Everyone gives themselves a pep talk now and then, especially when we’re a bit nervous. Positive self-talk is giving yourself an “attaboy.” Internal validation for handling external situations well is empowering and motivating.
“I feel really good about giving my opinion in that meeting, even when I was nervous about how I’d be received.”
“I’m excited about the job interview. I really did my best and feel good about how I came across.”
Positive self-talk improves self-esteem and raises your emotional intelligence quotient. We often want the stamp of approval from those we admire or folks whose opinions we value. Looking in the mirror and giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done can be a powerful catalyst for future action.
Try an experiment: Commit to giving yourself two positive self-talk statements every day for a week. Once in the morning and once in the evening repeat, “I feel really good about___________.” Look back at the end of the week and consider how those very simple statements changed your attitude and mood throughout the day.
Look for Part 3—Earning a Wage