The Real Reason You're Not Engaged At Work
Posted on August 22, 2016 by Jana Corinne, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
You have a good, steady paying job, but you go through the motions. You are completely and utterly bored with your job and your life. Why?
Do you wake up every morning dreading the thought of getting out of bed and beginning your work day? Do you hit the snooze button in hopes of delaying your misery just a little longer? Do you count the days, hours, and minutes leading up to the weekend? Those precious two days of freedom…
You are not alone. The majority of people are not engaged in their work. It’s not because they need more coffee breaks throughout the day, it’s not because they need a “flexible work schedule”, and if you’re thinking they just need to switch to a “better company”, you’re wrong again. Fancy offices, company freebies, lunches, and gifts won’t satisfy the need for fulfillment.
The real reason that people aren’t engaged at work is because they don’t have the opportunity to use and further develop their strengths.
When we don’t have this opportunity, our work can seem meaningless and we feel empty inside.
A company called Gallup, who specializes in helping people uncover their talents, has collected data over the past few decades, studying how talent can be applied in a wide variety of roles and careers. Their research has been extensive– by studying almost every culture, country, industry and position, they have found some wonderful examples of people using their strengths.
They have surveyed over 10 million people and found that a whopping 7 million are falling short of focusing on what they do best.
That’s a very large percentage…and that is a very sad reality.
“Across the board, having the opportunity to develop our strengths is more important to our success than our role, our title, or even our pay. In this increasingly talent-driven society, we need to know and develop our strengths to figure out where we fit in.” (Tom Rath, Strengths Finder 2.0)
So what happens to a person when he or she is not able to use their strengths at work?
I’m sure most of you know quite well. If you aren’t experiencing this yourself, then you have a family member or friend who is, and most likely they have complained to you about it.
When people are not able to use their strengths, they dread going to work, have more negative interactions with their co-workers and clients, and they complain to their friends and family about how awful their company is.
Other characteristics might include achieving less on a daily basis, “giving up” on your goals and dreams, health implications, and relationship implications. Often problems at work can affect all other areas of your life, that is why I believe fulfillment in your career is so important. I believe issues in your career can really affect your self confidence and seep over into your relationships, personal health and your perspective about the world.
If you are living your strengths, it improves your confidence, clarity, direction, hope, and improves your kindness towards others. Let’s be honest…You’re simply a nicer person in general!
So why doesn’t everyone try a strengths-based approach?
Because many people are unaware or unable to describe their own strengths…
One way in which I’ve uncovered my strengths is by taking a strengths assessment test. There are many out there, but I highly recommend reading a book called Strengths Finder 2.0 and taking the assessment. When you purchase the book, you will be given a unique access code that allows you to take the test on the Gallup website. The book also contains descriptions and real-life examples of each of the 34 strengths. (I am in no way affiliated with the company, just a huge fan that has benefited from the material!)
By uncovering your true strengths, you will have a better understanding of the areas that you should be focusing on, and developing. These are the areas in which you really shine! And these are the areas that you will truly succeed in! These are the areas in which you should be focusing on in your career.
Wouldn’t you love to create a career where you can utilize your strengths and grow?! Wouldn’t you love to be enthusiastically respond to people when they ask “What do you do for a living?”.
How great would you feel if you had a career that fulfilled you?
So what are you waiting for? What is holding you back?