3 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Health
Posted on July 20, 2016 by Roslyn Yee, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Here are 3 simple things you can do right now to improve your health and well-being.
There is a lot of information and misinformation that abounds when it comes to healthy living. There is so much coming at us from magazines, TV commercials, the internet and various advertisements that people are more confused than ever about whom to listen to for advice. However, the only person you need to listen to is yourself. That’s right, you!
When it comes to making your health and wellness a priority, listen to your own intuition about what information is worthy of your time, who to get advice from or what you should be putting into your body. Find people you resonate with that you can learn from. Then formulate what works best for you and leave the rest.
The truth is most of us already know what we need to be doing to improve our health. When I ask people, “What are three things you think you could be doing right now to improve your health?” Most of the time the answer revolves around these 3 things:
1. Exercise and be more physically active.
2. Eat healthier foods (and eat less junk foods).
3. Reduce stress.
You know that these things are beneficial to your health. However, when it comes to following through and being consistent, that’s where most people need help.
Think about the obstacles that are inhibiting you from doing the things you already know you should be doing to improve your health. Give some thought to it, journal about it and reflect on it.
Maybe you work long hours and cooking a healthy meal seems too time-consuming. You might discover emotional blocks that are keeping you from making your health the priority that it should be. Work on removing whatever obstacles you find. If you need help, get help. Whatever you do, just know that this is your life and you deserve to feel amazing!