Holiday Tips – My Three C’s
Posted on December 27, 2009 by Elaine Lockard, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
With the holidays fast approaching, you may not be looking forward to them if you have a chronic condition. Here are my three C’s for the holidays.
With the holidays fast approaching, you may not be looking forward to them if you have a chronic condition. You possibly, may already be feeling guilty or frustrated just thinking about:
• Shopping for your family and having to ask someone else to do it for you
• Being able to attend the events your child is participating in
• Being able to fix dinner or your favorite holiday recipe
• The difficulty in going to your family member’s home for dinner
• Wanting the house nicely decorated but cannot do it yourself
Well to help you with your inner turmoil, here are my three C’s for the holidays:
Communication – Let your family know ahead of time what you can do, what they can expect from you, what you need from them, and make plans with them around your Can’s. If you’re going to another family member’s home for the holidays, they will be very appreciative to know what to expect and it will be easier for everyone and more enjoyable.
Creativity – Get creative! Make new family traditions; new ways of doing things that are fun for everyone. Plan them so your Can’s are met. If you have children, you know how imaginative and creative they can be. Talk to them about your Can’s and see what they come up with.
Compassion – Have compassion for yourself! Realize you are doing the best you can and that it’s okay to only do that and no more! Also, take time to rest and take care of yourself so you can be as healthy as possible.
With a little forethought and planning, you can have a happier, less stressful holiday season.
My Best Wishes for happier, healthier holidays this year!