My 5 Part "Paradigm Shifting" Process For Getting ANY Results You Desire.
Posted on June 30, 2016 by James Godin, One of Thousands of Entrepreneurship Coaches on Noomii.
Feeling stuck in your business? If what you're doing isn't working...Consider My 5 Part "Paradigm Shifting" Process For Getting ANY Results You Desire
If you’re feeling stuck in your business, and what you’re doing isn’t working how you’d like, consider my 5 part “Paradigm Shifting” process for getting ANY results you desire.
Take a look…
PART 1) Set A Real Goal, Create Clarity of Your Vision, and Back It With A Strong Desire.
>>> Setting a REAL Goal. What is a “real” goal? Most people have a wish to accomplish something and they think it’s a goal, but it’s really not. A real goal has 4 qualities a wish does not have.
Real Goal Quality 1: It scares you by taking you outside your comfort zone. Neale Donald Walsch, the author of the series Conversations with God said: “Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I believe he is totally right about that. ALL real progress in life happens outside your comfort zone!
Real Goal Quality 2: It requires personal growth. You see, we MUST become the type of person who gets the results we desire before we can have those results. Brian Tracy, top selling author of over 70 books said: “If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.”
Real Goal Quality 3: It MUST have a self-imposed deadline. Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich said: “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” If you don’t set a DEFINITE deadline for your goal, you don’t have a goal, you have a dream, and only a dream. Dreams come true by setting real goals and by achieving and forever upgrading our goals.
Real Goal Quality 4: It requires you to be 100% committed to it’s achievement. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States said: “Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.”
Clarity of Vision: If we want to accomplish any worthwhile goal, we MUST be crystal CLEAR on our vision of what we really want. Not what we think we can get, but what we REALLY want.
A Strong Desire: Most people don’t achieve their goals because we don’t achieve the goals we “want”, we achieve the goals we desire (really want). To “want” something is to intellectually wish that we had something we think we don’t yet have access to. To “desire” something is to be emotionally involved with the idea of already having the thing we want in our life.
PART 2) Create and Implement A Risk / Reward System of Accountability.
>>> Accountability is so critical for success, and it’s especially important when you’re a solo entrepreneur wearing many different hats as you’re making your mark on the world. What I’m about to share with you is something I picked up from studying and modeling after Tony Robbins in his course “The Ultimate Edge”.
It’s human nature for us to avoid pain first and then go after pleasure once we’re sure we have avoided the pain we think will stop us from reaching our goals in business and in life.
So, a great way to help keep yourself accountable and on track with your goals is to make a list of things you are willing to RISK / GIVE UP if you don’t reach your goal by a self-imposed deadline, and make another list of things you will REWARD / GIVE yourself when you do reach your goal.
The things you RISK giving up should be so unbearable, and so unnatural to you that it would drive you crazy if you had to remove it from your life. I know some people who feel like they couldn’t go 20 minutes without their smartphone, and if they had to give it up for 3 or 4 weeks it would create an enormous amount of discomfort in their life. Find things that you would never want to give up having in your life, and then COMMIT to giving them up IF you fail to reach your goal.
The things you REWARD yourself with should bring you so much joy and so much pleasure that when you think about doing these things, it brings you back to a special place when you were a kid, you followed your bliss, and you were doing something that made you feel the most happy and alive you have ever felt in your life. Then COMMIT to giving yourself these gifts when you finally accomplish your goal.
Now, both of these examples are a bit extreme, and they are meant for really big goals. Decide for yourself how big your goal is and then assign RISKS / REWARDS for each of your goals depending on their importance to you. The more important the goal, the higher the risk of giving something up, and higher the reward of giving yourself a wonderful gift should be.
PART 3) Practice Giving Self-Commands and Following Through To Develop Self-Discipline.
>>> When I ask people what comes to mind when I say the word “Discipline”, some people say things like “Pain”, “Punishment”, or my favorite so far “Do you really want to know James?”.
Most of us never take time to really think about the other meaning of this word.
The first meaning is that of “being disciplined” for doing something wrong. Such as, with the risk / reward system I just shared with you, you discipline yourself when you don’t reach your goal by giving something up that’s important to you in your life.
The second meaning is “being a disciplined person”. This is entirely different. Being a disciplined person means you are able to give yourself a command, and then follow through on that command. That’s called having self-discipline. Most people need help in this area, and I certainly know I did before my life changed to what it is today.
It’s really important that we use BOTH types of discipline in our lives. Risking giving up something we love in our life keeps us motivated because we naturally want to avoid the pain of not having that which we love. Then we can focus on going after something else we would also love to have in our life. (our goal)
Giving ourselves commands that we follow through on allows us to strengthen a mental muscle that promotes persistence, consistency in our action, and a better overall sense of confidence…ALL of which are extremely important factors as it relates to reaching our goal.
PART 4) Study of Paradigms. What They Are, How They’re Formed, How To Change Them.
>>> Now this is where the rubber really meets the road. When you understand what a paradigm is, what YOUR paradigm is, how it was formed, and how to change it, you open yourself up to real world miracles.
I know that seems a bit “woo woo”, but it’s not.
A paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior. It’s important to understand, that almost all of our behavior is habitual.
This mental program is a multitude of habits fixed in our subconscious mind that we inherited at birth, and fully developed by the age of 5 years.
That’s right, our paradigm is controlling our results, and it’s something we didn’t even create!
ALL great accomplishments in the history of humankind were and still are the direct result of a paradigm shift happening in an individual, a group of individuals, or all of humanity as a whole.
All the great minds of our time and the past understood the great truth that our very thoughts create our reality, that those thoughts change the vibration our body is in, and that vibration dictates what we do through physical action creating our results and shaping our destiny.
From Alexander Graham Bell (inventor of the telephone), to Thomas Edison (inventor of the light bulb), to The Right Brothers “Orville and Wilbur” (inventors of the airplane), to modern day greats like Steve Jobs (Founder of Apple & inventor of iPhone), and Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft), Mark Zuckerberg (founder of, Jeff Bezos (founder of…and I could go on and on.
The point is, ALL of these great inventors, thought leaders, business pioneers, visionaries, and entrepreneurs, were virtually unknown in the world, and struggled to bring their vision and their dream to the world until they experienced a PARADIGM SHIFT.
My coaching program is designed specifically to help YOU experience a paradigm shift in your own life so you can bring your dream and your vision to the world and start living the life you REALLY want instead of the life you think you can have.
PART 5) Create New Habits Through A Form of Full-Immersion That Rewires The Mind.
>>> This is one of my favorite parts of learning and teaching others. It’s fun, it’s challenging, and it’s extremely effective. I absolutely love the concept of full-immersion.
Imagine taking 30, 40 or 50 years worth of experience, knowledge, ideas, and strategies that will help you reach your goal, and packing them into a 10 hour seminar style training that you repeat over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over…..and over again.
What’s the point? Are you learning new information from the content of the seminar the 10th time around that you didn’t learn the first time you went through it?
Well, yes, you will notice a few things in the content you didn’t notice before. Just like when you read a book or watch a movie multiple times and you see things in that content you didn’t see the first time…but that’s not really why we fully-immerse ourselves through spaced repetition.
The real reason behind my adopted method of training, is that the more you go through this life transforming information, the more you will learn about YOURSELF that you weren’t previously aware of.
I truly believe that we are ALL capable of accomplishing ANY goal we set out minds to, and that we already have everything we need to be successful within us RIGHT NOW.
The problem is, most of us are not consciously aware of our infinite potential and deep reservoirs of talent and ability that lie dormant within us.
I have found in my own life, as well as working with clients all around the world via Skype, Telephone, and Webinars that the fastest and most effective path to bringing our true inner power and potential to the surface is through full-immersion of life transforming information with spaced repetition over time.
It’s absolutely incredible the change in results I’ve seen in my own life, and each time I share this process with a new coaching client, and I help guide them through it in my “Paradigm Shifting” coaching program the results they are seeing are outstanding as well.
I’m constantly having clients tell me things like:
“James, I feel more confident than I have in years. I feel like I can do anything!”
“I hit the next rank in my company, and my income went up by 33% in 30 days!”
And I absolutely LOVE hearing stories like these, and I would love to hear YOUR story next.
If you would like to see if my coaching program is right for you, you can request a free consultation on my coaching profile at
During this free 15-30 minute phone / skype consultation I will ask you several questions to see where you are now, what you’d like to accomplish in the next 6 months, and why you feel like you’re stuck or unable to accomplish your current goal.
If I think you’re a good fit for my coaching program, and if you think I’m the right coach for you, we can discuss your options at that time.
Thanks for taking the time to read about my 5 Part “Paradigm Shifting” Process For Getting ANY Results You Desire. I hope to hear from you soon, and that I have the opportunity to work with you to help you reach your business, entrepreneurial, and life goals.
~ James Godin
Entrepreneur & Personal Development Coach
(435) 710-7322