3 Things You can Do Now To Help Simplify Your Hectic Life
Posted on June 13, 2016 by Tru Pettigrew, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
If you're feeling overwhelmed, or feel like your life is spinning out of control and being pulled in 100 different directions; this post is for you!
Want to simplify all of the crazy and hectic demands on your life? One of the first things you should do is stop! Stop what you ask? Stop chasing the “life-balance” myth! Go beyond “balance” to achieve “integration”.
Your life was not designed for you to balance it like some sort of money scale, seesaw, or checkbook. There are simply too many dimensions of your life to realistically achieve balance across all of those dimensions. There are 7 primary Life Dimensions that we all share (also known as the 7 Dimensions of Wellness). Those 7 Life Dimensions are as follows:
1. Family
2. Career
3. Social
4. Material
5. Intellectual
6. Physical
7. Spiritual
How tough do you think it would be to distribute an equal amount of weight, time, focus, and energy across all those areas of your life? Very tough! It’s virtually impossible. But that’s exactly what you’re attempting to do when you are seeking balance. I often hear people talk about pursuing work-life balance. There are 3 specific challenges that come with that line of thinking… 1. Your life consists of more dimensions than just work. 2. Achieving balance suggests that you can somehow successfully allocate an equal amount of time across the different Life Dimensions and 3. The dimensions of your life have been designed to seamlessly co-exist and feed each other versus compete with one another for equal amounts of time.
So here is a quick 3-step exercise to help you determine how to best prioritize and integrate the different life dimensions of your life.
1. List each of the 7 dimensions on a separate document or sheet of paper
2. For each Life Dimension, list out all of the wants and desires you have in that particular area of your life.
3. Determine which of the wants or desires you have listed for each life dimension matters most to you and make that your priority for each respective area of your life.
This prioritized list of wants and desires will help you to create order and clarity out of what matters most to you and simplify all the crazy and hectic demands of your life that seem to be pulling you in 100 different directions all at the same time. This exercise will help reveal the true desires of your heart and allow you to see how these different life dimensions are supposed to co-exist and feed off of each other.
This is just one exercise that will help you gain clarity and simplify your life. Please contact me today at www.tpspeaks.com for other exercises and tips, and to learn more about how my Life Coaching services can help simplify your hectic life and help you live out your true purpose in life.