5 Things Coaches CAN’T do for you !
Posted on May 11, 2016 by Jaya Bhateja, One of Thousands of Leadership Coaches on Noomii.
5 key elements for your growth that's your responsibility.
My interactions with people from various walks of life have taught me about the myths, confusions and questions people carry in their minds about Professional Coaching on Life/ Leadership/ Business. It’s a common misconception that once you seek the help of a Coach, he/she does all the work for you ! In order to bring clarity I thought of putting down 5 key elements that are not part of coach’s role however decide the success of any coaching assignment so that one can draw maximum benefit from the coach’s intervention.
So here are the 5 key elements that are entirely dependent on a coachee’s choice and mindset: The first one is Drive..Read complete article at www.jayabhateja.wordpress.com