Is Everyday Groundhog Day?
Posted on April 25, 2016 by Loretta Banks, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Are you stuck in an unending vicious cycle of living the same day over and over again with no inner fulfillment?
Do you wake up feeling it’s just another day? Are you unmotivated? Does the movie “Groundhog Day” describe your life? If you answered yes to either question or contemplated any question, it may be time to revisit how happy you really are. A personal assessment may be needed – so why wait? Ask yourself a simple question. “What in this very moment would make me happy?” When you are reflecting on this question, I encourage you to frame your answer in a positive tone versus a negative. Such as: “I want a job that makes me feel alive” versus " I hate my job and I want out." How you position your thoughts is critical in how you move forward. By emphasizing what you want versus focusing on where you are at, is a pivotal first step in making the needed changes for your new direction.
If life feels like another rerun of Groundhog Day, it may be time to consider a life coach. Below are the top 5 reasons why people seek life coaches:
1. Create maximum fulfillment in your life.
2. Find clarity on what you really want in your life.
3. Challenge yourself. It’s these times you learn the most about who you are.
4. To fully embrace your “beingness” everyday!
5. New Focus + New Actions = NEW RESULTS! (Go for it, because you already know what you get if you take no action)-