How to Manage Your Stress and Improve Your Health
Posted on April 21, 2016 by Theresa Conti, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The body is an amazing biofeedback system, constantly providing us with vital information for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Every feel grumpy? Alone? Isolated? Not sure which direction to take? Tired of doing “it” alone?
Although uncomfortable, each of these situations provide us with fertile ground, encouraging us to reconnect to the Light within and expand our awareness of who we are, and who we are meant to be.
The body is an amazing biofeedback system, constantly providing us with vital information for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Whether you live in big city or a small town, we all struggle with stress and may sometimes find it difficult to rebound. According to The American Psychological Association, 60% to 80% of all doctors office visits are stress related, and the Mayo Clinic cites that chronic stress can disrupt almost all of the body’s processes, increasing risk for numerous health problems.
The key to improving our sense of well-being lies in recognizing the body’s signals and knowing how to what to do about them.
The following descriptions will help you to identify four aspects of stress, followed by remedies to help you resolve them.
1. Physical Stress: Effects our energy and vitality levels. Pain, chronic tension, and the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of stress are strong influencers in determining our physical health.
Solution: Pay attention to the cues your body provides, whether it’s a sore back, tension in your jaw or chronic headaches. Be honest with yourself about your feelings, needs, and wants. Then, when and if appropriate, communicate them to those involved, and design a plan to move forward with the changes you desire.
2. Emotional Stress: Emotional stress can be debilitating. Fear of not having enough, being enough, or doing enough can cause stress levels to rise. Emotional stress can also be triggered by expectations, interpretations of people, places and events, and by reliving past experiences, among other factors.
Solution: Learning how to identify the source of emotional stress is the first step in managing it. Begin by noticing your response to disappointment, and when you feel an internal or external pressure. (Remember that tight jaw or neck tension? It’s there for a reason.) Then, step back and take a breath. Unplug from the situation – go for a walk, take a break. Giving yourself time to recoup from emotional stress will clear your head and help you gain a fresh perspective. You will be able to assess and respond to the situation more objectively, and will feel better about yourself and those involved.
3. Mental Stress: What we think (our self-talk) plays a huge role in how we feel, and is often unconscious and habitual. It’s estimated that we have approximately 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts per day, and most of them are the same! Unfortunately, the messages we give ourselves are not always thoughtful, kind or accurate. How we see the world, and the beliefs we hold true about it, also contribute to our mental health and well-being.
Solution: Notice what you’re focusing your attention on as you move throughout your day. Are you thinking in ways that promote stress or a sense of health and well-being? If you’re thoughts are creating stress, gently shift your attention, and try to look at the situation differently. Give yourself messages that are affirming, such as “It’s okay,” “I am safe,” and “I know I can handle it.” And don’t forget to check out your assumptions and perceptions for accuracy.
4. Spiritual Stress: Affects all aspects of our health and stems from feeling disconnected from ourselves and others.
Solution: When feeling out of sorts and unable to connect with yourself, or the world around you, find one person you can reach out to and connect with (animals are great,too!) Find ways to nurture and replenish your Spirit. Spend time in nature, go out for a walk, or engage in a creative pursuit.
In addition to better heath, alleviating stress will serve to enhance other aspects of your life. For instance, you may notice your relationships improving, synchronicities occurring, and life looking bigger and brighter.