Happiness - It is Your Journey - Own It!
Posted on April 19, 2016 by Loretta Banks, One of Thousands of Career Coaches on Noomii.
Being happy is a choice. Make a conscientious effort each day to strive for more happiness in your life.
HAPPINESS – It Is Your Journey – Own It
Happiness is something we all want, but we all strive for it in different ways. Sometimes happiness is defined based on our level of interactions with others that determines the level of our own happiness. Others claim happiness begins with loving yourself first. Some of us interpret happiness by the number of goals we achieved. When we reach certain goals in our lives like getting married, buying a new home, getting a raise, or a promotion we achieve happiness. So we forego a little happiness today, next week, and the following month so we can reach those goals sooner. Unfortunately, days turn to weeks, weeks to months and months into years. We wake up one day and realize how much time has passed. The goals we thought would make us happy turn out to be just milestones on a long journey.
So what is happiness? Could it be all of the above definitions and more? Happiness, simply put, is a choice that we make every day and in every moment. The key is to be disciplined in taking steps each day to build your own happiness. No one else can do it for you – you own it! It is your journey. So choose happiness each day!
Steps to happiness:
1) Appreciate everything you have right now and right here. Make a list of everything that is good in your life.
2) You are creating the story of your life. So if you are not happy with how your story is unfolding, change the script. Make sure you are the main actor in your own script and tell the story in the direction you want to go in.
3) Enjoy the journey you are on. Set your goals with completion dates. However, do not wait until you have completed your final goal to celebrate. It is very important to celebrate each milestone along the way-!
4) Take time for yourself. Take care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally. Each day do something that supports each of these areas. (Ex: exercising, journaling, yoga, meditating, etc.) Calendar your time just like you would calendar a work appointment.
5) Make your relationships count. First and foremost, enjoy yourself and like yourself. Secondly, appreciate your good friends and remove those friends that do not reciprocate at the same value that you bring to the relationship. Thirdly, close out family issues so you can move on with a clear mindset. When we keep unresolved or negative people in our lives, it wears on our consciousness and impedes our perceptions, thoughts and actions.
6) Manage your stress by simplifying. Each day find something that helps you ease your stress. Find the moments that help you relax, breathe, and enjoy the simple things in life.