Yoga has changed my life
Posted on January 29, 2016 by Amelie Chanda, One of Thousands of Health and Fitness Coaches on Noomii.
That was it, that was the moment I got hooked to yoga. This mat would be my getaway, my time to work things out, time to be the real me.
That is a big statement, isn’t it? Without a doubt, practicing yoga, discovering it’s history, tradition and way of life has transformed me in many ways.
About 10 years ago, I started practicing in my local gym. At that time, I fell in love with the physical practice. During that time in my life, I was mostly interested in using yoga as a workout. It worked for me. The classes were inviting and accessible. This introduction to yoga lasted about 2 years and I attended a variety of classes on a weekly basis.
Then, my first child was born….. HMMMM…. Yoga and gym membership pretty much felt like a distant past. Seriously, when do you have time to go to the gym with a baby in the house? We also bought a house on a country road and simply going to town with my daughter seemed like a an adventure i wasn’t ready to make on most days. During her first year, what keep me sane (or close to that anyway) was my amazing jogging stroller. (thanks mom!) This stroller got us out every day, got us our daily dose of fresh air and exercise. That was a life saver!
There were a few years where yoga was not a part of my life. I don’t really remember thinking about it or even attempting to go to a class.
Fast forward a few years, after the birth of my second child. Second baby is different, isn’t it? I wasn’t afraid of going out. I was fine with the baby crying. I was a bit more confident and ready to go out at every opportunity. Again, thanks to my jogging stroller, my daily walking meditation brought a lot of good energy and slowly I just felt stronger. Little did I know, I was about to embark on my yoga journey!
My friend Jill had just completed her Yoga Teacher Training and was starting a baby/mama yoga class. “I was thinking of you” she said “want to join?” YES!! That was the incentive I needed to finally walk into a yoga studio. Prior to that day, I had certainly walked in front of it but my fears had kept me on the outside. The opportunity to walk in with my baby in tow was exciting. Meeting other moms, seeing cute babies and practicing yoga with my friends, loved it!
About a month or so after that, I decided to walk into a morning class on my own. I can’t remember where my kids were (mom of the year?!) but, I can clearly recall how amazing it was to have that time for ME. Nobody asking for mom, no cell phone, no “to do list”, just me on my mat. At the end of the practice the teacher used the meditation chimes and my tears just started to flow. That was it, that was the moment I got hooked. This mat would be my getaway, my time to work things out, time to be the real me.
From that day, I have been going to the same community studio weekly. I found a community, friends, inspiration, and a place to just let go and be me.Thank you Twisted Fish Yoga Studio!
From there, I just started trying a variety of classes. Many were challenging and others pushed my comfort zone but I just kept going. I stopped making excuses for myself and simply created the time to attend the studio because it was (and still is!) important to me. It wasn’t long until the emotional changes came in. I felt that switch within me, that connection, the lightness and peace. People around me started to notice my transformation and I could feel that change within me as well. The physical changes came too. (bonus!)
A few months later, my home studio was hosting a 30 day challenge. That is, getting on your mat every single day for 30 days in the studio or at home. That event came in at the right time for me, it kick started my home practice and helped me make a commitment to daily yoga. From that point on, my yoga practice became an integral part of my daily routine.
In the summer of 2014, I found a new passion. Taking my practice beyond my mat and onto a paddle board! What an amazing experience that was. Laying on a board, looking at the open sky fills me with love, hope, positivity and so much more. Adapting my practice to fit the challenges of balancing on a SUP board is exciting, sometimes terrifying but always so much fun! Practicing yoga in nature opens my mind, forces me to let go of my ego and brings a new dimension to something I already love.
Never thought yoga would become such a part of my life that the time would come where Yoga Teacher training became the obvious next step. Although it had been in my mind for a couple of years, my fears kept these thoughts buried within me. That is until the day I voiced my life purpose loud and clear. “Helping others to develop healthy habits so they can feel better about themselves”. It was obvious to me that yoga had to be part of that transformation. It changed me emotionally and physically and still brings so much to my life. I knew that I absolutely needed to spread that love around.
This is the latest chapter of my yoga journey as I am completing the 200 hour certification. My yoga community has extended beyond my expectations as I have had the opportunity to learn and work with inspiring teachers. There is much more to learn than I anticipated. Yoga is truly a lifelong adventure!