Posted on January 26, 2016 by Life Coach -Deano, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Your heart can only speak what is true for you. It speaks through your feelings, sensations and intuition. It is not the voice in your head.
In order to hear your heart you must increase your awareness and pay attention to its still small voice as it speaks through your body. Often it speaks with subtle nuances through the muscles of your jaws, neck, shoulders, back, stomach and diaphragm. These messages need to be received without judgment. Your feelings are not right or wrong, good or bad. They just are. They represent your heart’s attempt to steer your life in the direction that is best for you. Once you feel the tension in your muscles do some deep breathing and go into meditation, relax you muscles and identify the feelings causing the tension. To remain healthy you need to express these feelings and release their energy. This is the only way to keep your heart free and live true to yourself. To express your feelings one option is to speak with a trustworthy person. Yes, this risks getting hurt, being rejected and having your heart broken. But it is helpful to learn how to tactfully express your feelings in a calm voice and in a manner that sustains your relationships. Begin your sentence with “I feel …” rather than “You make me feel …” The latter gives away your power, casts you as the victim and accuses the other person. Follow this up with a sentence that begins with “My concern is …” This illustrates you understand the source of your feelings. When you share intimate feelings this way you are more likely to generate feelings of closeness and strengthen the relationship. Other options for expressing your feelings are to write in a journal, participate in an athletic activity or create a work of art. Your final step is to discover if there are unmet needs behind your feelings. What was the source of the urgent message your heart sent you? Do you have beliefs and a negative voice in your head that work counter to the message of your heart? As you address these issues you move into closer alignment with your heart and a life true to yourself.