Top Ten Helpful Hints for Effective Communication in Any Relationship
Posted on January 25, 2016 by Sarah Phillips, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Communication Tips for Couples/ Families
1) Practice active listening in which the listener paraphrases and offers an empathetic response to the speaker. If your child says, " I hate my teacher’’, a parent might say “I hear you saying you dislike your teacher, and that must be uncomfortable.”
2) Complete transactions. This simply means carry a message through at least three steps. One person says something, someone responds, and the first person responds to the response.
3) Avoid interrupting and stay on one subject at a time.
4) Set aside time to communicate. Every relationship requires time and if that time is not provided, feelings of closeness dissipate. Effective communication takes time!
5) Avoid generalizations and exaggerations such as “All men are stubborn” or “You never take out the garbage”.
6) State specifically what makes you feel secure in the relationship. “I would like three hugs a day,” rather than “You should be more affectionate.”
7) Concentrate on changing yourself in a positive direction rather than demanding change in the other person.
8) Communicate through feeling words rather than sarcastic or accusatory remarks. “I feel sad when we do not spend time together because I love you” is preferable to “You are a selfish workaholic – thanks for finally coming home.”
9) Acknowledge that many times no right or wrong viewpoint. Compromise or take turns giving in!
1O)Think rationally. If someone hurts you, refrain from irrational thoughts such as, “I must be unlovable.” Instead practice rational statements such as "I am a worthwhile person and know that the other person may be hurting, and we need to be honest with each other, and work out our disagreements.
Use these top ten hints for effective communication, and you will enhance any relationship!