The Body, Soul and Spirit Connection
Posted on January 13, 2016 by Jeeva and Sulojana Sam, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Many people behave as though they were simply physical beings with a soul and no more. To ignore your spirit is to invite disaster.
A number of years ago, a young woman came to me with a problem. She said: “Pastor Jeeva, I’m at my wit’s end right now. You see, I’ve had many emotional issues that have been bothering me for quite a few years. I’ve seen counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists and other professionals. I’ve undergone every therapy under the sun.
I find that once I complete one professional’s prescribed treatments, I’m good for about 90 days. Then it starts all over again. So I go find someone else to help me with some other kind of therapy. And on and on it goes.
I’m sick and tired of this cycle. I have trouble sleeping. I’m plagued by nightmares. I’m not at all at peace with myself. I am insecure in my relationships. I can’t keep on going like this anymore. Can you please help me?”
The answer was an emphatic “Yes.” But, before I could offer her the help she needed, I had to explain to her why all her attempts to date had not been successful.
Please pay close attention to this explanation. It will help you understand why some of your efforts to be set free to date have not been fruitful either.
Here is what I told her.
You may have heard it said that we are created with a body, soul and spirit.
The body, of course, refers to the physical part of our being.
The soul includes our mind, will and emotions.
The spirit is that part of our being that was breathed into us by God. Therefore it is the spirit that makes us unique.
Many people behave as though they were simply physical beings with a soul and no more. They do not pay attention to their spirit at all.
In reality, we were created to be spirit beings with a soul, housed in a physical body!
How did this “theory” affect her “in practice”?
One of the issues she was troubled with was sex outside the bounds of marriage. Maybe you are too.
On the outside, sex looks like a merely physical act, doesn’t it? Two people are attracted to each other physically. They want to express themselves sexually. And they do.
Yet, it is not just the body that is involved, right? Having sex together affects the soul too. The memory of that encounter stays in the brain. The emotions which accompanied that physical act linger as well.
What is not easy to see is that a spirit to spirit connection was also made. A bond was established between two people that went beyond the body and the soul.
This is why even after she had gotten over the physical part of the encounter and even the emotional impact (through counselling), there was still something that kept on lingering inside of her.
That something had to do with the spirit part of her being.
Once she allowed Holy Spirit to deal with the spirit connection had been established with her partners, she was completely set free from the effects of those encounters. She went on to become a wife and a mother.
You too can be set free from spiritual junk that is making you repeat your mistakes over and over again.
As a spiritual coach who understands the Body, Soul and Spirit Connection, I can help. Just ask for a free consultation.