Hospitality Financial Leadership
Posted on December 10, 2015 by David Lund, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
Practical strategies to increase your teams financial leadership. Have more fun, make more money and your team will love you.
The Hotel Coach — David Lund’s Top Ten List
“How to Bring More Hospitality Financial Leadership Into Your Hotel”
You have the ability to increase the way you lead your team financially, to create an environment that has your managers working together on the “business” of running your hotel.
I invite you to read my Top 10 list for hotel financial leadership success and open up to the opportunity you have to improve the financial communication in your hotel and brand. If you do this, you will have a more engaged leadership team, your hotels will make more money, your leaders will love you, and everyone will have more fun.
This blog is designed for hotel executives, managers and owners.
1) Start With the End in Mind
The picture you want is that of a leadership team that knows what is happening financially; one that is plugged into the financial well-being of the hotel. The appropriate leaders all participate in the financial management, and forecasts and budgets are completed with detailed input from all areas of the hotel.
1. When forecast and budget changes need to be made to achieve overriding goals, leaders on the ground make these changes on line items, and they know what items are included in their final budgets and forecasts and which ones are not. There are no executive level changes to forecast numbers at the 11th hour.
2. Each leader knows and agrees to financially managing his or her piece of the operation and they happily take responsibility for what happens in their area. There are no expectations, only agreements.
3. Schedules and timelines for forecasts, budgets and month-end close are adhered to.
4. Regular communication on the numbers is thoughtful, complete and informative.
5. Department managers and leaders all know their revenue, payroll and expense lines. They monitor the progress for their area daily throughout the month, and make adjustments to schedules and purchases to reflect the realized and adjusted business volumes.
6. New leaders are selected, trained and properly supported to evolve financially, as well as providing service and colleague engagement.
7. Leaders evolve financially in this environment because the hotel has created great bench strength.
8. Leaders from this hotel get promotions because of their many capabilities, especially their ability to lead financially.
2) The Third Pillar
It’s the three pillars of our business—guests, colleagues and owner.
We manage guest interaction with an understanding and belief that we’re all invested in good guest service. Even the departments that don’t have direct guest contact help to support colleagues who do. We are all responsible.
With colleague engagement it’s the same: We’re all involved and implicated in managing departments and hotels that have high-colleague engagement.
No department or individual is separated from the mission of service and engagement.
So why is the owner different?
Well, not so long ago it was considered taboo to discuss the finances. So naturally, many leaders and managers didn’t know what was going on financially.
Now we find ourselves in a different world—one in which we want managers and leaders to get in the game.
We bounce around this third pillar and we don’t have the same level of expertise as we do with the other two pillars.
The issue, as I see it: We have not evolved financially as quickly as we have with the other pillars.
Brands sell expertise to owners, the three pillars of expertise. Brands need to realize the key to mastering the third pillar starts with investing in financial leadership.
We have a myriad of guest service checklists: audits, training, standards…you name it.
With colleagues we have the same, and sophisticated surveys telling us everything under the sun about our people and how they are thinking.
So what do we do financially to check ourselves out, to see how we’re doing, to check out our standards?
Nothing substantial or effective.
Sure we have audits for the accounting function, but we have nothing for a standard or a way of measuring how we lead financially.
I talked to a GM of a big brand not long ago, and he proudly told me, “I have only four people managing the numbers.”
I asked him if he thought he would get better results if he had 40 people working on it. He is still thinking about that.
My point is that we have a long way to go to evolve financially.
The irony in this is that brands largely don’t own hotels anymore. Brands sell expertise. The brand with the best financial leadership model would be very attractive to owners. Brands mandate standards and owners pay to have these in place. In the case of financial leadership like service and colleagues, owners pay the way for the brands. What are brands waiting for?
3) The Paper Can’t Talk
Why is financial leadership in hotels so un-evolved?
The answer is somewhat hidden. When we look at what we charge our leaders in hotels with doing, it’s three things: Looking after 1) the guests, 2) the colleagues and 3) the owner.
The simple fact is this: The guests and the colleagues can talk. They can speak their mind, ask for help, and demand our attention in ever-increasing cultural and socially responsible ways.
The paper, the reports, the forecast, the budget…all of these instruments don’t have a voice.
We need to give them a voice that everyone can hear.
That’s financially evolved leadership: Make the financial piece as important as the other two pillars in how we communicate. We know it’s easy to ignore the financial piece, and we also know it’s a costly error.
4) Talk about Agreements, Not Expectations
Expectations. I hear this word from almost all GMs, controllers and hotel executives.
It’s the wrong word and it’s not an effective way to manage.
So here is the thing with expectations. Human beings don’t like having expectations placed on them. We actually really don’t like it and most of the time we revolt against others’ expectations at work and in our personal lives.
Just imagine someone expecting you to do something.
How does that sit with you? Not well, I bet.
So why do we place expectations on people at work? Why do we place expectations on them as it relates to being responsible for numbers? Do we think it’s because it’s their job and they should just do it?
Probably. But it’s not effective. There is a much better way to manage.
It’s called agreements. Make agreements with the people who work with you.
In the case of the numbers, ask your managers to take this on and tell them you will support them and give them resources to master this. You will be there when they have challenges; you will be there to help celebrate the successes; and you will lead the hotel through agreements with your team.
Humans love to honor agreements and they push back on expectations.
Check out your language. What do you communicate?
Agreements are creative and a lot more fun than expectations. They are also a lot more effective. Especially when it comes to managing the numbers.
5) Any Monkey Could
An old GM of mine was fond of saying “any monkey could run this place when the phones are ringing” and he is right.
In good times, hotels are growing their top line and possibly ignoring problems that might be more evident in times of flat or declining revenues.
A good hotel needs to ensure that its financial communication system is working all the time.
I have seen several hotels that have no idea what to do when business stops growing:
1) They don’t know what’s in the middle of their statement.
2) They don’t have a team of leaders working on knowing what’s in every line. They don’t practice every month.
3) They’re asleep at the switch until they run into the iceberg—the next economic crisis around the corner.
Basically the party is on until we run out of gas. So what can hotels do to ensure they don’t fall asleep? Leadership is the key to ensure the financial communication and discipline are always in place and practiced every month to maximize results.
If you’re in a hotel right now that could be run by a monkey, then chances are good that the middle of your statement is in need of some exercise.
6) Flying By The Seat Of Their Pants
In some hotels, the system for financial management relies on the top line coming in. Under-promise and over-deliver. Low-ball the revenues and straight-line the expenses and hope for the best.
When revenues are good, this hides many sins.
This is called flying by the seat of the pants, and it happens more than you might think.
If hotels are not zero-basing their payroll and expenses and tracking revenues daily to ensure they’re on track and making the necessary adjustments to expenses and payroll, they will fly by the seat of their pants when forecasted volumes don’t materialize.
When we are in a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants hotel and we have a good month, things are great, but we really don’t know why, i.e. why were expenses so low this month? Or, perhaps payroll seems too good to be true.
When we have a bad month, the sins are obvious: missed invoices from prior periods; over-forecast in payroll and revenues below forecast.
Didn’t anyone see this coming?
Well actually, no. No one saw this coming because we don’t have a financial communication process to ensure were on top of the business.
We were flying by the seat of our pants. The GM points fingers at the controller; the controller blames the department heads who didn’t submit their forecast on time; the department heads blame the controller because he/she created the forecast anyway!
You see, it just goes around and around. No accountability, no ownership, lousy results and no financial leadership!
7) The How To vs. The Want To?
The business of managing the hotel finances is not terribly technical or complicated.
What makes it challenging is that it’s usually a large job involving many people.
The communication system in the hotel is the key to both smooth management and predictive financial results. This is the how to.
So if the hotel finances are not a complicated matter, why is it such a challenge in so many hotels? The answer lies in the want to.
Most leaders in the hotel don’t want to be managing numbers. They typically didn’t get into the hotel business with the idea that they would be business people with forecasts and budgets.
They’re “people people”; artists and creators. They now find themselves in roles with responsibilities to get the numbers done and they don’t like it.
They don’t like it for a few reasons:
1) They are often responsible for numbers that are created by someone else; someone who expects that leader to own the numbers. This rarely happens.
2) They don’t have a good financial communication system to use when dealing with the numbers.
3) They don’t take the time necessary to properly manage the numbers.
The want to do this in all of these areas is low. Let’s be realistic for a moment and ask ourselves: “If they really wanted to manage their expenses and know how much they spent” they could figure it out.
So how do we increase the want to?
We show them what is possible with good financial communication by investing in financial leadership in our hotel.
Leaders realize very quickly that it’s not so complicated, and mastering the numbers part is the express elevator to career advancement.
One last thought on the want to. If you’re controller really wanted to bring this type of financial leadership model into your hotel he or she would already be doing just that. Controllers in large don’t want to lead financially; they’re just not comfortable doing this. If they were they would already be doing it. When I created the first financial leadership workshop over 8 years ago, I did so kicking and screaming. I was kicking and screaming because I didn’t want to get up in front of a group of leaders and talk about the finances. I was scared, I was pretty sure people would laugh at me and my workshop. But you know something magical happened that day. I realized this financial leadership workshop solved my biggest challenge. The challenge of getting department managers and leaders to give me what I needed to do the; forecast, month end, the budget, you name it. The financial leadership training gave the leaders much needed information; they needed to know what all this information was for. They were pretty sure I was just making their lives miserable by asking for so much from them on a schedule every month! Once the leaders realized it’s all connected, not so complicated, they got in the game. Overnight my biggest challenge was gone. That’s the power of the want to. Once your leadership embraces the want to, the how to is everywhere.
8) Many Hands
One of my mother’s favorite sayings was “many hands make light work.”
With financial leadership, we want as many people involved in the “monthly financial circle” process as we have involved in preparing work schedules or preparing purchase orders, “consuming the hotel’s resources,” plus the people who forecast its revenues.
The hotel must adopt a culture that stands for “every line needs an owner.”
In the past in many hotels, the financial information was not shared with many leaders. It was considered to be secret and private.
Most hotels today share financial performance information with leaders. What financial leadership hotels do is match the resources, consumers and revenue producers with the appropriate lines in the profit-and-loss statement, and literally every line has an owner.
The owners forecast, track and report on their lines every day and every month.
With a system that encompasses the entire statement, we ensure that all facets of our business are being managed.
This promotes more communication and better decision-making because someone is actually taking active responsibility for every line.
From a monitoring and review point, we can clearly see what areas are working and which ones are not, and we can then take the appropriate action with the right individual.
If we attempt to manage the numbers by area or department, we are missing a huge opportunity to really hold the business up with many hands.
9) It’s A Circle
The financial window in a hotel opens and closes every month.
It’s both a curse and a blessing.
It’s a curse because it seems like we just finished with one month and another is upon us; it’s relentless, and like the tide, it never stops.
The blessing can be hard to see but it’s there—it is the blessing of practice of mastery.
We get to start all over again and practice every month. Every month is an opportunity to re-set; to start over; to learn from what worked last month; to improve what didn’t, and get better and better at this game.
The month is a circle that we move through. We can use the circle to organize, practice and master this process:
• The circle starts with the forecast, and each person prepares his or her individual part. The forecast is zero-based in all areas and is consolidated. Changes are made to the zero-based numbers and each area has a plan to execute to achieve the desired result.
• The circle continues into the month and each area monitors the revenues, payroll, and expenses daily.
• The hotel uses a system of distant early warning to ensure that revenues are materializing as planned, or if not, that adjustments in spending and payroll are made. They do not wait until the middle of the month to see how things are shaping up; this is done daily.
• The circle continues into the month-end closing process in which each area receives and reviews the general ledger listing and financial statement for the areas they forecasted and monitored.
• Errors are found before the books are closed. Then, in turn, each person who forecasted, monitored and reviewed his or her section writes the commentary for their part and the commentary is consolidated and edited.
• The process starts over again and the circle is back where it started with the forecast preparation.
10) There Is No One Coming To Save You
Let’s face it: We all have superhero fantasies. When the landscape is in flames, and the bad guys have launched another plot to vanquish Gotham City, we would really love for Batman to swoop in and save the day.
In the hotel world, people expect controllers to put out a lot of fires and rescue the masses. I hear over and over again from GMs that a good controller should be able to get the numbers and the people with the numbers organized, and if only he or she would step up, things would be just fine.
The controller could be a rock star—or Batman for that matter—and it’s not enough. That financial savior you’re looking for is not coming anytime soon.
It is simply too big of a job for one person to manage every detail, and he or she relies on the many people doing their financial part to support the bigger picture.
So, what is the solution? What’s the way to master this process?
You, the GM, and the executive team, are the answer.
Leading financially means you ensure that every leader is working effectively financially in the same way that you do by ensuring your leaders are being of good service to your guests, and engaging positively with other leaders and colleagues.
You would not have a leader on your team who falls flat with guests or with colleagues, so why put up with weak financial performance?
We do so because we have not yet created an effective communication process to lead financially.
But all that can change.
We can lead financially by embracing the necessary processes that put the proper focus and effort on finances every day in your hotel.
Get your team moving together financially, pull the right triggers and don’t accept half measures anymore.
Know that you can create the outstanding financial environment you want by doing the following:
• Hold your team accountable for the efforts and the results at every level.
• Get leaders plugged into their part by using the strategies in this list.
• Give them the training and resources to lead financially.
• Create a “financial leadership machine” in your hotel. Your team is the machine and you hold the key.
There is no one coming to do this for you. However, there is help available if you look in the right place.
So there you have it, a process to follow to grow your hotel’s financial leadership. This financial leadership is my passion and my mission in my professional life.
My mission is to equip you with the tools and the process to use to master your hotels / brands financial leadership.