Five Management Lessons From Olympic Athletes
Posted on November 20, 2015 by Michael Nannini, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Whether you're a sports fan or not, there are valuable lessons to be learned when you view the efforts and results of these amazing athletes.
Five Management Lessons From Olympic Athletes
Provided by: Mike Nannini, FocalPoint Business Performance
The athletes have finished their competition but the memories – and lessons – remain. Whether you’re a sports fan or not, there are valuable lessons to be learned when you view the efforts and results of these amazing athletes from the perspective of leadership and peak performance. Here’s five – fittingly, one for each Olympic ring – to take to your practice this week:
They Keep Score
Olympic athletes know how they are doing all the time. They know their results, but they also know their progress and improvement. If you want to improve your performance you’ve got to keep score of your own efforts and results.
They Have Clear Goals
Every athlete had a goal for the Olympics. To some, just qualifying to be there was the target, while, for others, a medal – or a specific medal, gold – was the obsession. Athletes are all clear about their goals, you must duplicate that precision in your own work life.
They Practice
Actually, they practice, practice, practice – and practice some more. They don’t expect world-class performance after only putting in occasional efforts in training. They know to be their best, they must practice in focused and strategic ways to reach their goals. Do you practice like a champion? Are you as diligent and consistent in learning the skills that will help you succeed as they are?
They Play To The End
They know where the finish line is, and they don’t stop until they hit it. They pick themselves up after falling and continue, or even ignore injuries in their zeal to make it to the finish line. Their chance to achieve their goal may be lost but they don’t stop. And you will rarely hear them blaming others for results, unlike many folks in the workplace who constantly berate scapegoats. Olympic athletes play to the end, remaining singularly focused on their endeavour. Do you?
They Have Coaches
It’s unheard of for these world-class athletes not to have a coach. Even though they are among the best in the world, they recognize that they need help to keep improving their performance. It’s the same for achieving success in the office. The best thing you can do to improve your own or your staff’s performance is to find a coach.
For more information contact Mike Nannini, Focal Point Business Performance, Certified Business Expert at 888.305.3852 or