Today is the day to get unstuck!
Posted on October 27, 2015 by Joy Fahey, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
How to get unstuck and stop procrastination. If you're in a fog and confused as to how to move forward this will give you some guidelines.
Today is the day to get unstuck!
What you focus on at the start of the day can be the beginning of getting unstuck. Everything is about what we are thinking and what we focus on as a result. I know it’s easy to say and it’s another thing changing it, however it’s a choice you can make, especially at the start of a new day before everything else kicks in. What’s more if you really want to get unstuck and move forward it’s a good place to start. What can you do today that will make a difference to how you feel about yourself and your situation?
It’s a good question – Changing a pattern of old behaviour can be either a challenge or a delight depending on how you think about it. It can be a spring board into something new and exciting. Personally when I’m feeling stuck, and yes I do sometimes! I have sure-fire way or nipping it in the bud before it runs away with me.
I’m a great list and journal writer; I have different note books for different things. I will spend five minutes just scribbling down the things I feel stuck with, worried about, even procrastinate about just to get it all out of my mind and clear the decks. I’ve learned the benefits of doing this over the years and disciplined myself to do it every day and I encourage you to do the same as the results are quite profound.
Detox Your Mind
In my book ‘How to Live a Magnificent Life’ I wrote a whole chapter on detoxing the mind! This is what it does; it gets rid of accumulated rubbish that’s blocking the flow. You can find this as a free download on my website
I can’t stress enough the difference it will make to you finding a new clarity and clearer thoughts. You can then start each new day fresh, replacing the negatives with some positive affirmations and add an attitude of gratitude into the mix, for the day ahead.
Journaling also has a positive knock on effect to solving the stuck and procrastination challenge. You know the thing – Saying you will do something that remains in words rather than actions. Writing it out puts it ‘out there’ and you can start to make a sense of it. I’ll let you into a secret, nearly everyone procrastinates about something! But when it starts to really effect you ‘not’ doing something you really want to do, then those blocks need pushing out of the way. More often than not once you’ve written it out it’s not so overwhelming after all.
My experience working with many clients who are on the ‘stuck and procrastination moving path’ start off seeing this as an elephant in the room. It’s so big they don’t know where to start; maybe you have this feeling too? Where to begin, it can be overwhelming and seems insurmountable? But it doesn’t have to be, let me give you an example.
I’m working with a client who wanted to be a writer and teacher in her field of expertise, she was working at a job that brought her no satisfaction and she desperately wanted to fulfil her passion and love for writing and teaching. She’d been thinking and talking about it for 3 years before we started to work together. She had an idea that she should be working at a ‘proper’ job and felt guilty and ungrateful about wanting to do something she loved. She’d always been taught that you had to have a ‘proper’ job and everything else was incidental. ‘Food on the table and all that, and ‘people didn’t make money doing what they love’ was her mother’s voice ringing in her head.
Finally she couldn’t stop herself and sort some help to make her dream come true. She’d procrastinated about it for so long; it was now time to take action.
The basis of procrastination and being stuck in most cases is fear. It’s the fear of stepping into the unknown. Its fine in the dream but the actualization can tend to be overwhelming. Finding a starting point, planning it out, having a strategy and then the implementation, can be one big fuzz.
My client was in this space when we started, but after a few sessions we broke it down into digestible pieces, put a plan in place with a clear vision and structure and she’s now resigned from her job and on the road to success writing and teaching for two universities! What’s more she’s putting together a digital product on her course! One very happy lady!
It doesn’t take much to get unstuck, stop procrastinating and take some action with a bit of help and support. There are a couple of questions you can ask yourself – ‘What if it just remains a dream and I never do it?’ How does that feel…? Reverse that and imagine you’ve succeeded in realising your dream! How does that feel?!
So time to take Action?
What is the most important thing you want to achieve in your life?
Usually the answer is the same for all of us, doing what we love, happiness, peace of mind, great relationships, financial independence and freedom.
Whatever it is you would like to do and achieve don’t let procrastination and feeling stuck win. The old saying ‘life isn’t a dress rehearsal’ comes to mind. ‘If not now, when?’ is another.
Is it your day to get unstuck?
I love my ‘job’; actually it’s more of a vocation to me. To be part of someone’s realization of who they are and helping them fulfil their dreams is the best feeling in the world! That’s me fulfilling my dream!!
If you’d like to fulfil yours, get unstuck, live your life in your truth, do what you love, find your purpose and most importantly be happy, I’d love to hear from you.
Contact me on UK 0044 (0)20 71931376
USA 001 315 6396553 / Skype JoyFahey or email