How to turn colleagues into teammates
Posted on October 13, 2015 by Vanessa Wiebel , One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
“Team Coaching? anything more awkward than my colleagues and I sitting around in a circle and discussing our feelings…”there is no I in the TEAM"....
“Team Coaching? I can’t think of anything more awkward than my colleagues and I sitting around in a circle and discussing our feelings…”
Sometimes, when I, as the coach, walk into a team coaching appointment, it’s like I can feel this skepticism (at best) seeping through the walls.
Most of us like to keep our work lives and personal lives separate, and coaching seems very personal. You probably imagine your colleagues and you discussing your inner feelings and what makes your work day good or bad.
But the truth, as always, isn’t quite how we imagine it to be.
Ever hear that old saying… “There’s no ‘I’ in ‘Team’”? What if there was some truth to that?
Picture a group of individuals who all work together. You share offices, supplies, paperwork, projects, and goals. And that can work.
But for some reason, you’re not taking your business to the next level. Something is holding you back, yet you can’t put your finger on what the problem might be.
So, you call in an expert. Business coaching, the process of working with a group of colleagues, has been around for a long time. Clearly, there may be something of use there. You decide to go even further and call in a Green Business Coach (I’m available for this!). The difference is bigger than you ever knew. Green businesses have unique challenges that other businesses don’t, and as a coach specializing in green businesses, I can immediately pinpoint where our session is best utilized.
Why do we need to be a team? I’m fine keeping my colleagues in my “work association” box.
The difference between simply a group of colleagues and an actual team may seem slight to you. But put in action, teams will always outshine and outperform a simple collection of individuals.
Teams learn to act as one. Teams learn to highlight individual strengths and support any weaknesses together. Teammates have the same shared visions and goals. Teams are able to work through and rise above conflicts about process to clearly see the end game.
Teams feel a sense of loyalty—to both the business they are working in and to each other.
Why wouldn’t you want your business to act as a team?
You may scoff at the idea of workplace harmony. But I know Team Coaching can take your business to heights you’ve only dreamed about.
How do I know?
I’ve seen it for myself. I have personally witnessed the success of businesses when they stop being colleagues and become a team instead.
But don’t just take my word for it. Nutritional consultant and expert from British Columbia, “P.K.” says,
“Vanessa’s practical, metaphoric coaching approach is fantastic!
What you can expect
In my team coaching sessions, there isn’t a lot of sitting around and holding hands. But there is a lot of support. There is a lot of shared sacrifice, clear communication, acceptance of weaknesses and applause for strengths. There is even a good amount of laughter.
And while you may not want the halls of your office to ring out with continuous laughter, it beats the heck out of tense silences.
Think your group of individuals could use a boost? All it takes is a simple phone call. We can set up a Complimentary Session to see if Team Coaching is right for your business.
Oh, and one more thing. Once your team has finished the coaching session, you’ll be so much more efficient, happier in your workplace, and secure in your path to success you’ll have more time for what brought you to your green business in the first place.
A feeling of satisfaction. A firm belief you’re using your talents for good. And the knowledge that you’re making your corner of the world that much better.
(published 2014)