Cancel Your One Man Show
Posted on September 30, 2015 by Nina Elaine Borum, One of Thousands of Christian Coaches on Noomii.
You can't accomplish your dreams ALONE.
Original article on Nina Elaine LinkedIn’s profile.
How many times have you heard someone boasting in the fact that they have no help and are doing it all on their own?
As entrepreneurs and trailblazers in our industry we often feel like we have to do things on our own. Sometimes it is a lack of resources and other times it is a lack of trust in others. We feel like we can’t share our ideas because someone might steal them or take advantage of us.
No one in the history of this WORLD has ever accomplished anything on their own. Successful people who are secure are quick to credit their success to wise counselors, mentors, coaches and advisers. They realized that in order to succeed they had to rely on and trust in others.
If you are still not experiencing success in your endeavors and you have been trying to do it “on your own” then I would challenge you to cancel your one man show. It is time for you to succeed.
Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel plans fail but with many advisers they succeed.