Motivate Yourself to Achieve Your Goals Using Your Warrior Spirit
Posted on October 19, 2010 by Kathy Marlor, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Accomplish your goals and stay on track by tapping into a past victory and using the same drive and determination to achieve your new goals.
Do you recall a time in your life where you literally tapped into your warrior spirit to achieve a goal? If you’ve been into competitive sports in your lifetime, then you probably did this on a regular basis.
If you ever worked hard to get a term paper done and “Aced” it or set a goal and didn’t quit along the way no matter how tough it got, overcoming obstacles that were in your path, because you were simply driven to succeed-then you my friend have experienced using a “warrior-style” spirit.
Imagine how *powerful *it would be if you were able to tap into that same spirit and drive to complete your daily goals in life?
This is just a reminder for you to use anytime you feel that you may be getting off track to go back and recall how it felt to be fully committed to achieving a goal and to not let anything stop you.
To accomplish a worthwhile goal you have to:
- Make a decision that you were going to achieve the goal, no matter what
- Create a success plan to follow that outlines what you need to accomplish along the way
- Stay encouraged and overcome personal obstacles, sometimes creatively
- Work towards making constant progress and to be ready to make necessary changes.
- Discover how to capitalize on your strengths and improve weaknesses
- Get a coach or mentor to work with you to help
The warrior spirit you developed on the journey to achieve your goals may be one of quiet confidence and knowing that you can overcome any obstacle through patience, creative problem solving and persistence; or it may be one of assertive fast moving, driving forward motion that knows no limits to possibilities and strives on fearlessly.
Whether your warrior spirit in one that fits into one of the descriptions above, or somewhere in between, what’s important is that you have it and can use it to create success over and over again while maintaining your integrity and staying in touch with your values.
For me, my warrior spirit has to do with being just that – a warrior.I earned a 4th degree black belt and numerous State, National and even a World title through competitive martial arts.
So here are some further tips that I use for achieving goals that I thought may help you too:
1. Set a goal with the same intent you would if you knew you couldn’t fail. What would you dare to achieve? Commit yourself 100% to go for it.
2. Create a written success plan to achieve your goal. Your success plan must list each step you will take to accomplish your goal. Think as you have already achieved your goal and write down each element that had to happen to achieve a goal setting victory.
3. Hold fast and don’t give up. Expect obstacles to come and they will; Take action to stay motivated (know what motivates you) and encouraged with the same attitude you used striving to achieve a past success.
4. Strive to improve (at least 1%) and work towards your goal each day to make constant progress. Be ready to change when necessary and regroup. If your instincts tell you that you’re getting off in the wrong direction, listen and re-evaluate your course.
5. Look for ways to capitalize on your strengths and improve your weaknesses. Learn something new every day to help your cause and don’t allow your weaknesses to get in your way of progress.
6. Get support or help. A coach or mentor who has achieved what you want to achieve can help you model success!
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