Believe to Achieve!
Posted on September 02, 2015 by Casey Moran, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
The power of believing you can accomplish your goals.
Could you pass a lie detector test? The answer lies (no pun intended) in your belief. Do you believe your answer is true or not? As the great George Costanza said “it’s not a lie, if you believe it.” Although Costanza was a highly neurotic fictional character from the show Seinfeld, he couldn’t have been more on target.
The power of the mind is something we are in awe, and in the dark about. People do things all the time that seem unlikely or “impossible”. A great example of this was a story told to me by my friend Bruce McNee.
Bruce is a golf professional, and like most of us he is a mediocre to average bowler. Bruce was in a bowling league where he had an average of 148 and a high of 192. One day Bruce was watching bowling on TV and saw Pete McCordic roll a perfect 300! As Bruce watched Pete throw this 300 game he admired Pete’s perfect form, and on that day his form was perfect! The visual of Pete’s form stayed with Bruce as he drove the next week to his bowling league. Bruce did everything he normally would before his league matches, talked with friends, threw a couple of warm ups, and he was ready to go. This week Bruce had something all successful bowlers have…the confidence and visual of actually throwing the perfect game. Bruce had the visual of Pete’s perfect game burned into his brain…the way he brought the ball back to the way he released it with the perfect follow through. Bruce threw his first ball and opened with a strike. After two more strikes Bruce was “on fire!” After his ninth strike in a row, Bruce was what athletes call “in the zone!” After a 9 spare in the 10th frame Bruce ended with a 279 score. Bruce had never before and has never since bowled over 200. So, why was this night so special? Because Bruce believed he could do it.
We all have it in us to do “extraordinary” things, we just need the belief in ourselves to accomplish them. We may not be able to harness this power all the time, but there are those rare moments in life where your brain is “in the zone” and you end up doing something you thought was not possible. Even though it is not rational to think we can get in the zone whenever we like, it is possible to practice the belief theory. With anything, the more you do it, the better you become. Why not try it yourself…think of something, anything you wish you were better at. Once you have that thought, visualize it, and start to believe it, more likely than not you will go beyond where you have gone before. Remember, you won’t know unless you try.