How to ignite a flame of joy and satisfaction in life?
Posted on August 28, 2015 by Giedrius Reklaitis, One of Thousands of Performance Coaches on Noomii.
Our needs, ambitions, and drives have evolved. Today, we can no longer go after what we need. We must go after what we want.
In this magnificent, beautiful, exciting, and ever-changing world, why are there so many people frustrated, unhappy, depressed, sad, and feeling unfulfilled? After all, we live in such abundant times, where here in Portland, Oregon I see homeless people browsing Facebook on their iPhones. We have more food, more opportunities, and more freedom to do what we want than ever before, yet we see more people being bored, unsure, and constantly fatigued.
Some say that abundance and opulence of resources have driven us to lose our minds. We have become ungrateful, oblivious to all of the wonderful things that life has to offer. As a result, we are unable to feel more alive and satisfied with what we have. Others say that we’ve lost the connection to our spiritual nature. Are we not doing enough yoga, or repeating enough positive affirmations to ourselves?
In the mid 1900s, psychologists claimed that we as humans should be happy when our basic needs of food, shelter, and security have been met. For the longest part of our evolutionary period, we have migrated across continents in search of food and have spent tens of thousands of years hiding in caves from predators. It wasn’t until very recently that we were able to feel safe in our continents, countries, cities, and homes, protected by lawns and communities. But if security and food were the answer, why isn’t most of the population thriving? Where is the vibrancy, the enthusiasm for going after big dreams? Where is the celebration of life and joy?
Could it be that as we’ve evolved, so did our desires, drives, and ambitions? Could it be that what made us joyful and vibrant just half a century ago does not have the same effect on us now? Could we have changed so much, so quickly?
Let’s look at what’s been happening in the world lately. We are evolving at beyond exponential rates. Our means of communication and exposure to technology have changed dramatically; we now have babies teaching their parents how to use the latest apps on their iPhones. We are more connected and united on a global scale and can travel to more places much faster. We are able to exchange information with anyone, anywhere on the globe, instantly. Our food sources have become less nutritious, yet due to their opulence, more than a quarter of these sources go to waste each day. We even have access to fresh, organic strawberries in the middle of winter! People live much longer than ever before due to advancements in medicine and the treatment of diseases. The way we work, what motivates us, and how we look at life are changing rapidly.
If we stop for a moment to find our center and compare how things have been to how they are now, we can see that the paradigm is shifting globally. Affluence of choices and opportunities make finding the meaning in life challenging. As soon as we find something to focus on, there are dozens of other things that capture our attention and distract from our initial mission. But I’m not here to state what’s wrong. I want to present a solution. Our needs, ambitions, and drives have evolved. Today, we can no longer go after what we need. We must go after what we want.
We don’t choose to work at certain companies just for a paycheck. We want cool open spaces, ping-pong tables, snacks in the kitchen, and social interactions with colleagues. We want to express our true selves and have control over our legacies. We want more innovation and meaningful impact. People are choosing up-and-coming startups over the artificial security found at corporations to experience new challenges and opportunities to express their best selves. Young entrepreneurs are disrupting the status quo in established markets with new ideas that our hearts and souls have been yearning for far too long.
Science agrees with this theory, too. Thanks to the recent discoveries in the fields of human brain research, personal development studies, and neuroscience, it seems that after we are freed from worrying about our basic needs, our brains become more engaged with new experiences. We consciously choose to face new challenges, seek out connections with other people, and freely express our true nature.
Knowing this, what can we do to spark a flame of joy and satisfaction? What can we do to consciously and strategically motivate ourselves to unleash our full potential and start forming lasting legacies not tomorrow, but today?
In my upcoming blog posts, I will be sharing a science-based and proven framework that you can use in your life to feel truly alive. Even if you’re living the high life – you’ve find new levels of performance and enthusiasm. Finally, you will become the conscious designer of your existence!
By implementing this framework into your daily routine, you will:
– Learn how to take complete control and refactor your life experience.
– Become as engaged, energized, and enthusiastic as you want to be.
– Light up the path to your true greatness.
– Reach heightened and sustained levels of performance.
– Become engaged in the present moment.
– Free yourself of distractions and limits imposed by the mind.
– Get energized, productive, and optimistic about the future.
– Find support from others and lead your cause to architect your own future.
Get excited and stay tuned for more!