How to Get the Best from Your Coach?
Posted on August 18, 2015 by Sairamesh Govindaraj MCC, One of Thousands of Executive Coaches on Noomii.
With just 3 easy steps you can get the best from your coach. Help your Coach Help You.
Do you want to get the best from your executive coaching engagement?
Do you believe that working with your executive coach will help you accomplish results better?
Do you believe that your executive coach can engage you by provoking your thoughts, feelings, actions, which would in turn lead to better results & reduce your productive tension?
Well, if your answer to above is an YES to all the 3 questions, you might probably be doing well with your executive coach and their assistance.
If not, here is an approach just for you. Try it and you will be guaranteed results.
I call this approach as TPE model.
The process of coaching is about you ‘the person being coached’. Coaching is defined as a process wherein your coach partners with you in a thought provoking & meaningful engagement which helps you to maximize your personal & professional potentials.
So you see, it is about you, & helping you maximize your potential in the personal & professional world.
To maximize your gains from coaching, here is what you need to be doing;
Think – Let me ask you a few questions, which might probably put things in perspective for you;
1.What is the primary purpose of engaging the coach?
2.What pressing issues are you experiencing in the current state?
3.Moving forward what personal challenges do you foresee? Or What personal challenges do you
foresee in the near future to accomplish your goals?
4.What past experiences have you had with respect to this goal?, etc
Reflecting on the above questions can provide you vital insights into your thinking process besides ensuring you have a specific outcome, which you would like to explore with your coach?
Prepare – After having explored your thoughts, you would have probably established the purpose for coaching. However it is important for you to note that your coach is not an expert in your area of work, but he could be an effective ally, working with whom you could probably maximize your gains.
Here are some questions which would help you go prepared to the coach
1.What is that I wish to achieve in conversation with my coach?
2.Is my goal specific, measurable & review’able? (remember you goals have to be ‘Measurable,
Manageable, & Motivational’ for you)
3.Does my goal motivate me?
4.Can I manage what I wish to accomplish with my other day to day work?
5.What resources are required?
6.Who could support me, in the event I require assistance?
7.Who could be delegated some of the tasks, either from the new goal or the current goal?
8.What am I currently engaged with?
9.What thoughts, feelings, emotions could possibly come in the way while engaging with the
10.What am I willing to put up with?
11.What am I willing to set aside during the 45 minutes with my coach?, etc
Engage – The T and P stages would have provided you with vital insights to engage with your coach. The T & P stages provide you the desired focus, commitment & accountability to pause, explore, focus and plan for action in a dialogue with your coach. Remember, your coach can only work with you when you are ready to receive and bring the collective unconscious into the conscious space for greater awareness and results.
Try it out and share your insights with me.