Recovery Coach Says: Transform, Don't Transmit
Posted on July 27, 2015 by Renee Gebhart, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Why I offer recovery coaching
Why offer recovery coaching? I have personally lived with and loved dear ones with addiction. And as a therapist, I have walked with people as they battle their own or a loved one’s addiction. I know what it means to have a loved one embrace recovery and I know the frustration of loving someone but hating their choices.
I don’t want to sensationalize the news of Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death this week and so it is with some reluctance that I mention it here, however today it gave me “pause” and confirmed my intention to offer recovery coaching as a specialized niche. I haven’t followed the Brown’s careers or media coverage closely, but from what I have read/watched, I know there was addiction and wherever there is addiction, there is pain. And I know too that what you don’t transform you transmit, to future generations.
That is why I am passionate about helping people who:
-are aware they want to change
-accept their responsibility to do so &
-are ready to take action to make it happen.
My tagline is “transform your life and relationships” because I know the payoff that comes from halting what doesn’t work and moving towards what does. The benefits extend beyond the present moment and the rewards convey to present and future relationships.
Recovery brings new growth and big changes in all areas of life—it goes way beyond just ditching the offending substance or behavior, rather it is about reclaiming your Self, your life, and your relationships. I would be delighted to help you or someone you know move their recovery forward and feel happy, joyous, and free!