Pause, Be Present, Reconnect with your Partner
Posted on July 23, 2015 by Ana Caragea Strategic and Intuitive Coach, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
3 Steps of how to heal your relationship: Pause, Be Present, Reconnect
We all enjoy connecting with others and we constantly crave for love. One of the most powerful forces in our lives is LOVE.
Some of us managed to have it, some fake it and some buy it. But we have to have it, in order to have a happy and fulfilled life.
An infant if it’s not cared for and loved, will not develop properly or even will die. That’s how powerful LOVE is.
In our busy world, with constant distractions and stimuli, we tend to focus more on money, career, wealth, consumption and so on, just to get over the fact that we are not fulfilling our most important human need – the need for Love and Connection. But, at our core, when the lack of it is too deep, we sense that there something fishy going on. We get sick, we fail at simple tasks, we are angry, depressed, sad and miserable, conflicts arise from nowhere and with no good reason.
Even when you have a partner, some of the outside noise (and is some cases – most of it) will make you forget, or not pay enough attention to your partner’s needs. And you’ll ask yourself, why do you have so many conflicts at home, why don’t you feel acknowledged by your partner, why the relationship is not working the way it worked in the beginning, when you could understand each other from one look, without even saying the words.
If you recognize yourself in these situations, PAUSE. Pause your busy life, and reconnect with the most important part of your life – your loved one. I know that money is important, that the career is important, but don’t mess up your health and well-being just on that reasons. Act now before it’s not too late.
Be PRESENT in your partner’s life. Spend more quality time together, recognize their needs, share your concerns, your worries, be open about your needs, only by working towards a common goal you will manage to be happy. Go on a date with your partner, even if you are married for 20 years. Celebrate your love, celebrate your lives together, RECONNECT to each other.
Your homework is to take care of yourself and of your partner. When you are together, take a few moments and share your love (by a gesture, with some words of appreciation for all the efforts she/he is making, hugging and kissing, buying a cute gift, or just by being present and paying attention to what she/he needs).
ACT NOW! Your Happiness is at stake!
PS: If you want to discover more about your Six Human Needs and how you can start fulfilling them and your partner’s needs, book a free session with your Strategic Interventionist Coach
It’s time to Be Happy!