Defining Moments
Posted on June 21, 2015 by Arjan Bogaers, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
Defining moments in your life offer the opportunity to re-define who you can be. These moments usually hide behind a crisis or problem.
Defining Moments
Years ago, arriving in Africa from the green pastures, the waterways and gentle forests of the Netherlands, I was fascinated by this world of rocks, vast skies and heat. To me, the ancient people of the Southern deserts lived as if on another planet, between red sand and blue stars.
Reading about their customs and means of survival, I learned that during their long journeys on foot through the endless wastes, every so often they would come upon buried hollow eggs filled with water and some basic food. Little caches that offer means of refreshment and moving on, buried there some time before by themselves, or by others.
Defining moments in your life are just like that: spiritual caches that you come upon once in a while, buried deep within your subconscious. Hidden. Until at some point during your journey an unexpected event knocks your stability, your soul gets stirred and the gift is unearthed. A defining moment offers the possibility for you to (re)define who you can be.
Sometimes such a moment presents itself as an unexpected fortune, allowing you to move into a new and stimulating direction. And sometimes such a moment presents itself as an unexpected tragedy without mercy, carving right across the course of your life and from then on dividing your biography into ‘before’ and ‘after’.
A serious illness, an accident, betrayal, loss of a loved one; such events appear to be designed only to bring you hardship, grief and limitations.
But that is the hard shell. Only when you can have the courage to open the egg, by accepting that this event too, may have been placed there by yourself to urge you to make new choices, will you find the water that offers means of renewal and moving on. To contact Heart and Soul please refer to: or