What is Life Coaching
Posted on October 07, 2010 by Staci Rosenberg, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
What is Life Coaching, blog article
What Is Life Coaching?
In your quest for wellness and personal fulfillment, we at APOGEE encourage you to dream—BIG. But, sometimes the path is uncertain, and you need a guide along the way. That’s why we’ve recently added Life Coaching to the wellness services available to members.
Today, having a life coach is as commonplace as having a personal trainer. “Sometimes you feel like you’re stagnating or having difficulty setting your priorities,” says Staci Rosenberg, LMSW, CEC, APOGEE’s Life Coach. “We can help you see all the possibilities for the future and help make them happen…now.”
How Does Life Coaching Work?
Typically, you and your coach identify your objectives and the obstacles that get in the way of achieving them. In order to do this, it’s important to take an honest look at yourself and your life and decide what is and isn’t working—from why you can’t commit to a relationship to what direction to take when your career is at a crossroads. These preliminary steps of self-assessment are some of the most important ones you’ll take on your journey toward successfully attaining your goals.
Staci’s approach is action- and solution-orientated, and focuses on the future. She will help you create a road map to help you succeed. Together, you design a realistic plan of action with homework assignments and check-in periods between sessions. At your meetings, you chart your progress, discuss any new challenges and benefit from the input of a professional with a more objective perspective.
“It’s amazing how asking a few simple questions can put someone whose life has de-railed back on track.” Staci says. “My mission is for my clients to become the best version of themselves.” That’s APOGEE’s mission, as well.