What is Your Energetic Vibration? Why Should You Care?
Posted on May 20, 2015 by Bonnie Duarte, One of Thousands of Relationship Coaches on Noomii.
Your energetic vibration is always on, it's always going - You can accessed some massive power naturally within you.
In my day to day life I regularly make reference to my energetic vibration, or the energy of others. It has become part of my everyday language. I sometimes forget, that I did not alway understand what this meant; or perhaps, it’s just that I have not always had the words for it. I knew what intuition meant and I knew what a good or bad vibe was, but I never thought of my body as having energy.
Why am I sharing this with you, and why should you care? Here’s the thing, everything in life has a vibration or an energy – so whether you care about yours or not, you still have an energetic vibration.- it’s just science. So here’s my blunt recommendation…start caring and get to know yours, because it’s effecting everything you do and everyone you meet.
Here are the facts, your energetic vibration is always on, it’s always going. So this means it’s either running at a high frequency or at a low frequencies or somewhere in between. You can not turn it off. But you can TUNE in to it, and begin to understand it, and once you do this you have accessed some massive power. This power is yours to use. Hmm… I think I hear Yoda’s voice in the background saying something like, “Feel the force, within you the energy lies”. I couldn’t resist.
The reason this is so important to understand is because, the lower your vibration is the more likely you are to attract negative circumstances that match your energy level. It is almost impossible to attract a high energy frequency if yours is low. This is why when one thing goes wrong, everything seems to be going wrong.
Your vibrations can vary throughout the day and throughout your life. Lower vibrations are connected with disempowering thoughts, negative emotions, poor health and lack of spiritual awareness. Higher vibrations are associated with empowering thoughts, positive emotions, good health and strong spiritual awareness.
On the up side, if you have a higher vibration you are more likely to attract positive people. People that inspire you and people who are happy and healthy themselves will begin showing up around you. When your vibration is high you are happy, you feel more energetic and excited about life. Opportunities seem to come your way.
Here are 4 simply steps to raise your vibration – I do not think for a moment that they are all easy steps, but perhaps there is one you can take on. Here is a hint: take on the one step that is easiest for you, the one you believe you would be most successful at.
TAKE YOURSELF ON A DATE/PAMPER YOURSELF – This is so important. You must take time out of your busy day and do kind things for yourself. Do not wait for others to do this – you must do this for yourself. This is a very deliberate choice to show appreciation and love to yourself. Do what makes you feel good. As you are treating yourself, with either a candle lit bubble bath, a pedicure, a movie, a new top, a dinner, or a glass of wine – Know that you work hard, you are a beautiful loving person and you deserve this. If you can not be kind to yourself do not expect anyone else to, it begins with you.
STRETCHING AND YOGA/A LITTLE SWET WONT HURT – No better way to raise your vibration that to raise your heart rate. Vibration requires movement and getting the blood pumping. Dance, yoga, a bike ride… the more you move the more your body will love you for it. Do activities you enjoy!
PRACTICE FEELING LUCKY – This one is a little surprise… a lot of people encourage you to be grateful, which please do not get me wrong, gratitude is powerful and important. But this is a slightly different angle. When is the last time you felt lucky? Truly Lucky. Feeling lucky in my opinion is one of the highest vibrations you will encounter within yourself. Let your luck implode and you will have the luckiest life out there because its contagious and created entirely by you.
LOVE – This is the highest vibration. Focus on the vibration of love within you. Connect deeply to that feeling. Let it flow through and over your body. Feel the tingling vibration from your head to your toes and all the way to your finger tips. As human beings we are so full of love, this is the one thing we all want, need, crave and have an abundance of. Lack of love literally causes mental illness. But the thing about love is you have to feel it. Practise feeling love. Be connected with as much love as you can. Love is your spiritual vibration this is your essence, this is your closest connection to Spirit/God.