What is a True Life Partner?
Posted on May 01, 2015 by Liz Swearsky, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
A true life partner is a spiritual relationship, where two people make the decision to work through their stuff within the relationship.
A true life partner is a spiritual relationship, where two people make the decision to work through their stuff within the confines of the relationship so that each one will grow spiritually. It does not mean that the relationship will be perfect, but it means that each one is willing to look at their issues and heal from them, becoming more of who they really are, which is Love. By doing this, they are growing “in Love”.
For example, if someone grew up in a relationship where the father made the most money and he controlled the purse strings and that was a problem within the household, she will likely attract a mate who does the same thing and that issue will come up in their relationship and most likely become a problem. She then has the opportunity to become conscious of the pattern, work through it and heal from it or leave. And in really conscious relationships, the partner will help her do the same. Some people choose to leave when the going gets tough. (If she does leave, you can be sure that it will happen again in the next relationship!) Just for the record, I would never condone staying in an abusive relationship. Relationships are a mirror, showing us where we need to heal. They also offer us incredible opportunities to share the miraculous experiences of Love…the freeing experience of true intimacy.
Ironically, we can only attract true love to the extend that we are willing to give it and we can’t give it until we are overflowing with love within. So our life is about filling ourselves up with love. We do that by connecting to the ultimate source of Love…the Creator, Higher Power or whatever has meaning for you and sharing that Love. If it’s not with your true love partner, pass it on, to grandma, a child or friend in need. In time, that same love that made them feel better will manifest your true love.