Belief and Self Image
Posted on April 29, 2015 by Derek Collins, One of Thousands of Life Coaches on Noomii.
The importance of believing in yourself and developing your self image
You have to believe that you can accomplish anything that you are trying to achieve. This is the link in the chain that many people miss. They go after their goals, but secretly believe that they will not achieve them. They are lukewarm and passive instead of being on fire and aggressive. They lack confidence and continue to second guess themselves due to fear and a damaged self-image.
Self-image is extremely important. If a man sees a woman that he is interested in dating and physically she is rated a ten and he is a five, the likelihood of him approaching her is slim to none. His tendency will be to approach women that are closer to his physical rating of five. But if he feels like a ten internally and has great self-esteem, he will not have a problem approaching the woman.
I have talked to many women who people would consider tens physically and noticed that their self-image was low. Because of their education level, family and abuse history they ranked themselves as a four or below. They limited their options based on their skewed self-image and involved themselves in relationships with people who were fours and below ethically, morally, physically, and spiritually. From the outside looking in, I used to ask myself “what do they see in those guys? They could do way better.” But they never will until their self-image improves.
Have you ever worked with an over-worked, under-paid, and under-appreciated co-worker who was reliable, talented and possessed a strong work ethic? Did you ever wonder why they accepted poor treatment from their employer? In many instances, people accept this treatment as a result of their poor self-image. They do not feel that they truly deserve better and do not know their worth or true value. This applies to personal and professional relationships as well.
The majority of people do not have the faith to apply for a job that is paying $100,000 a year if they are currently making $30,000 a year. Being hired for a job that pays $100,000 a year is not believable for them. Why? Because they don’t believe that they are worth $100,000 per year; therefore, they will not submit a resume if the opportunity is presented. They will question themselves and allow doubt to fill their awareness. Their self-image or programming cannot accept a $100,000 a year salary thus they will apply for a job that pays $35,000 or $40,000 a year because it doesn’t take a lot of faith to believe this. But the ability to earn $100,000 per year is out of the question in their minds. Why do they think this way? It is because of their self-image and belief system. They are allowing the programming of their past to affect their future. In essence, they are allowing the beliefs of their family, friends, teachers, co-workers, and employers to infiltrate their psyche and influence their self-image or believability scale.
You would be surprised by the number of people that do not achieve happiness because they fail to change their self-image. Some people say they want a new car but they are too scared to visit the car lot and check the price. The sad reality is, some of them can afford it, but they ASSUME their way out of their dream with negativity and fear. Don’t let this happen to you!I want you to know that you are valuable and worthy. You have to believe in yourself and believe that you can achieve your dreams.
So how do you improve your self-image? You start by believing in yourself and determining what your true value is. Then you work on improving your value through education, working out, changing environments, and associating yourself with people of higher value. I also recommend changing your self-talk and stay away from negative people, places and things. Also consider to stop watching the news because all the news provides is bad news and subconsciously programs your mind to be fearful.
Think positively instead of negatively and appreciate what you do have. Repetitively tell yourself that your dreams are possible and start looking for opportunities. Do positive things that you enjoy and stimulate your mind. Your daily goal is to feel good, be happy and always put yourself in a position to where you perform masterfully.
On a daily basis I want you to visualize yourself achieving your dream on a huge movie theater screen. Make this experience as vivid and emotionally compelling as possible. You should be able to describe what everything smells like, looks like, and feels like. You need to be emotionally involved during this visualization process. I highly recommend that you have a graphic designer make a customized vision board for you. The vision board will include your picture and life-like Photo shopped images that create a scene of you accomplishing your dream. Put this on your wall and look at it every day. Or have it saved as a screensaver on your cell phone. Another option is to watch subliminal messages or go to a hypnotherapist to assist you with changing your negative programing.
I cannot sugarcoat this process. This is going to take work because you are competing with years of negative programing. Many people know this stuff but choose not to do it because it requires work, discipline,time, and belief. This is a daily repetitive process that is designed to reprogram you to be optimistic, secure, and confident. The last step is to do the work and take action. There is power in “doing.” You have to change your previous programming, believe in yourself and then have the courage to pursue your goals by taking action.
Many people believe in the “Law of Attraction.” I do as well. But I believe in the “Law of Action.” Without action, there is no re-action. For you to achieve success you need to take action to get a re-action. You cannot just believe. You have to do something about it. The choice is yours.
By Derek Collins