NHL Hall of Famers Secrets: 7 Tactics to make a difference to those you love
Posted on April 17, 2015 by Kevin Huhn, One of Thousands of Business Coaches on Noomii.
Ever wonder what it is that has an individual stand out in life or in their relationship? Hall of Famers had tactics that they used to ensure success.
In ice hockey, the objective is for one team to try and out score their opponent. A way to do that is for the participants [players] to shoot an object [puck] into a goal within the confines of following the rules. Players need to work together in order to reach the common goal.
Similar to any relationship – there are tactics to ensure you do make a difference. Besides just liking someone, there must be a laid out plan that shows you do care. Here are the 7 Tactics that Hall of Famers use to make a difference:
They Give a Pass:
One way to get to shoot is by receiving a pass from a team mate. Hall of Famers know that although they might score goals, passing the puck is an act of giving and making a contribution so another can succeed.
They Give a Pat on the Back:
Usually after a goal is scored, there is a group celebration of those players on the ice. The goal scorer is shown appreciation by line mates. There is usually a high five or a pat on the back. A Hall of Famer knows that it is not only in the time of rejoicing that others need the pat on the back. In times of pain, giving a pat on the back can provide a pick-me-up.
They Give a Call:
On the ice, the game of hockey is fast. It is not a place to be timid. If you want something done without being able to do it yourself, you need to call out. Hall of Famers take charge and reach out. They call for the puck and they call upon others.
They Give Support:
Hockey is a competitive styled game. Teams battle it out for puck possession. They lean on each other for support in situations. When a Hall of Famer took action, supporting their team mates, they lived by the pact, “I got your back!”
They Give Respect:
Do you know someone who has said or done the wrong thing? Or worse, have you ever said or done the wrong thing? Sure, we all have gone offside once or twice in our life. In hockey, if you go offside there is an infraction call and the play stops. Hall of Famers know to stay on side, allowing their team mates to catch up, because going offside hurts those involved.
They Give Knowledge:
Hall of Famers know to coach others is really a way to test your own knowledge of a skill or information. No matter what the skill level, you can always coach someone else, to help them improve.
They Give Anonymously
The greatest of the Hall of the Famers played the game hard and to the best of their ability. They also were humble in their approach. When giving, they do not have to have it known, that it was them who gave. They know it to be a part of their duty to give back, without any reward.
To make a difference in the lives of others and your own, you need to understand what giving does. To be given a great gift in life, like being inducted into life’s Hall of Fame, one must give first without any expectation of a return but merely for the joy of making a difference to another.